The past

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I woke up and felt no pain whatsoever. Tam was sleeping next to me. I love this cat so much. I saw that Tam she just awoke and looked at me. She came towards me and licked my nose, and rubbed herself on me. I felt my stomach growl and asked Tam ~Wanna have breakfast Tam?~ Tam looked at me so happily and just kept meowing. I guess that's a yes! I walk to the kitchen and saw that Jack was sitting near the window as raindrops hit the glass in front of him. It looked like one of those scenarios where one of the characters is sad and the other has to comfort them and ask whats wrong. And that's what i'm going to do.

I walk towards Jack and gave him a quick hug ~What's bothering you Jack?~ I asked hoping that he wont shut me out like in those scenarios. Jack turned around and looked at me. ~I need to talk to you actually.~ With that being said I felt a shiver go down my spine. I felt my heart stop for a moment. Why does that worry me I have done nothing wrong and yet it makes me really nervous. Trying really hard not to sound nervous I spoke ~Sure, can we talk about during breakfast?~ I'm not trying to avoid it i'm just hungry. ~Sure why not.~ Said Jack as he got up and walked to the kitchen. I looked down at Tam and saw that she was kinda nervous too. I got down and whispered to Tam ~I'm kinda nervous about this~ Tam meowed and nodded. I don't know why talking to cat and she responded was not that worried me, Although it is really cool how a cat can understand me and yet answer me. That's not the problem here!

I walked to the kitchen and saw that Jack's face was lighten up like he wasn't sad in the first place. I guess I shouldn't be worried after all. But what should we eat this time? ~Jack, what should we eat?~ As I said that Jack looked in the fridge ~Hmmmm I guess we can eat scrambled eggs and a cup of coffee. We should get some grocery's later~ Ugh don't remind me about that. ~Sure anything will do~ We got some eggs out and the ingredients for the coffee. I made the eggs while Jack boiled the water. After the water was boiled we each got mugs and made our coffee. I served the eggs on a paper plate and gave Jack his and sat down. Now we talk...

Jack started of the conversation ~Sooo, Anti... How did you two meet~ I was wrong about not being worried. Well I can't Just lie to Jack I may as well tell him the truth.~ We uh Well when I came here I saw shadows going from place to place, but then one night I was in a dream where everything was dark and I heard cat meowing and thought it was Tam after I went looking for it It wasn't Tam but a different cat and it turned out to be Anti. And after that he kept seeing me. He said he l-loves me and...~ After that sentence I heart started pounding. H-he loves me? Jack looked at me and got up to moved next to me. ~And do you love him? Don't get me wrong but Anti is different. I know him for being a cold bloody person that loves to toy around and has the power to break people and their feelings. Like me...~

Wait!? Jack's feelings. I was a bit curious by what said Like me ~Jack, If you mind me asking what did he do to?~ I saw that Jack's eyes were full of sadness and hatred. ~When I first met him he kinda showed up out of nowhere, We hanged out a lot he was like a brother different than he was now. Mostly by appearance. Then one day he kinda threatened me because I was hanging with this one guy in a certain way. He left me in the cold making me feel heartbroken. A feeling where it feels like you lost someone that was important to you. I felt broken, I couldn't do anything other than being emotionless~

Jack took a deep breath ~That's all in the past now, and what i'm worried about is you now. Anti may have feelings for you or he is toying with you. I don't want that to happen but if it does i'll be here for ya.~ Jacks words make me so happy inside. But who was the guy Jack was hanging out with? Could it be that guy with red hair? Jack was a bit strange when we saw him, Could it be? I should ask but I don't want to seem weird. Here goes nothing! ~Jack, was that one guy you hanged out with the same guy with red hair at the cafe?~ Jack's cheeks flushed pure red. I knew it!

I should get them together again! 

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