The answers

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~So what do you need cupcake?~ Said Anti in a relaxed tone. Aww he called me cupcake. Okay here goes nothing!
~Anti.. wh-why do you uh like me?~
  Anti seemed confused.
~What are you saying?~ Anti questioned. This is going to harder than I thought...
~NO, I-i didn't mean it like that it's just that I feel like you need me emotionally. You c-cried over me that one time. I didn't do anything to deserve someone like you. I do like you back but... I don't know it's just confusing.~ It got quiet for a couple seconds but it felt like an hour, but he spoke out.
~It's fate~
~What do you mean it's fate?~
~Well there is a reason, For all I am is nothing but a glitch kinda~
~A glitch? But how are you walking around in this world?~

Anti puts his arm around me and hugs me close.
~Well there is many of us, and what I mean by us is that there are the dark side of many YouTubers. Pretty much the bad guys of people. But there is a way for us to become human!~ Just by hearing that I was filled with joy. 
~A-Are you serious?! This isn't a joke? You can become human?!~
~Yes I can but it's not easy...~
~How? What do you need to do?~

Anti looked down and back up to my eyes. I haven't noticed the detail of color in his eyes, They were pretty up this close.
~Before anything happens we get a vision that'll guide us. It's a guide to help us in happiness and live in what I say is happiness. A lot of us choose to ignore this vision because change is one thing we don't like. I even was one of them. Until I got a vision...~ 
~What was it?~
~It was you and I~
~Really?!~ I sounded so excited!
~Hehe yes really! We were laughing enjoying each others company. But because I was a prick back then I chose not to follow that path... But for some reason it stuck to me, On my mind 24/7. I really wanted to meet you but my "friend" Darkiplier was against it saying that it's a stupid thing to go after a person and leave everything behind. So I agreed with him but he didn't know that I have secretly going along to meet you.~
~Wait, Leave everything behind?~
~Oh yeah when there is a vision and you accept it your life shall be changed. Not a lot of us did it was only 3 or 5 people that had changed their lives and were hated on by the rest. But because we are all pricks with a really bad personality. Hehe. But to me it was love in my dreams. I really wanted to get with you cause I wouldn't be really happy.~

~But how did you know I was moving in Jack?~
~Well like I said it was the vision, It showed me that you were walking into his apartment.~ 

*Lol i'm at school and I already had this done so after all this time all I needed to press publish, hahahahahaha
ANYWAY I'm sorry school is too much blah blah blah blah* 

Thank you for sticking around, I mean it <3

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