Together until the end

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I need ideas on how I should get Jack and that guy we saw at the Cafe! I should excuse my self first. ~Well I need to be on my way, maybe we can get coffee together later... at the Cafe... Just for coffee... and stuff~ WELL THAT WAS SO NOT SUSPICIOUS AT ALL! Jack gave me a worried look. ~ Don't do anything stupid alright...~ Well I need to get them together. ~Don't worry Jack, I'm just going to see a friend I know from here! I spin around hoping he won't question me, And he didn't! THANK GOD!!!
Now I need to find that guy and where he would be at... The Cafe duhh! I grab a sweater and left quickly! This time I knew where I was going but as I was walking I can't help but feel like i'm being followed! The feeling won't go away for some reason. I don't know but I feel like it could be Anti Oh no (Sarcasm CX)

The Cafe was in sight! Wait, if I do find him then what would I say? Screw it imma just wing it 
As I walk near the door I see him sipping his coffee and writing something on a journal. He was on the stools and was facing the windows. What am I going to do?! I walk in and ordered a frappe I look around me and saw that all the tables were taken and the only place to sit was next to him. What a great excuse! I pay for my frappe and went to the guy. ~uhh excuse me is it okay if I sat here with you?~ He quickly closed his journal before I could take a glance! ~Sure, why not~ Success! I sat down on the stool and tried to make small talk. I first introduce myself to him and asked for his name. ~So uhh what's your name?~ He didn't look that happy ~My name is Mark~ I try to continue the conversation~ So do you come here often?~ He still seemed gloomy. ~Why would you want know?~ I guess he doesn't want to talk, maybe if I ask about Jack then maybe he will talk! ~So umm do you know Sean McLoughlin?~ His expression changed ~Why so you can rub it in my face that you two are in love and what not! Is that why you came here?!~ Oh god he got it all wrong! ~No I came here because I want to see Jack very happy and you are his missing piece! Anti is out of the picture now~ I look at his hands and saw that he was holding the journal. ~Umm what's that~ Mark opens his journal ~It's poems I wrote for Jack~ I KNEW MARK STILL LOVED JACK :D I tried real hard to keep my excitement.

~So you still have feelings for him don't you?~ Mark gave a shy smile and opened his journal. ~Heh, I guess I still do~  Mark flipped through the pages and stopped at one a certain page that had a rose petal like a bookmark. He looked at me shyly and said ~ Is it alright if I read one to you? I have never read my poems to anyone and because you actually care about me and Jack it will be nice to read to you my feelings.~ I gave him a smile and nodded ~This is a poem I wrote when I was at the grieving stage in every break-up~ He gave a quick small laugh and continued.

~ We said we would be together until the end. We had so much fun playing games. But now after we weren't an us anymore. I felt empty as the night sky with no stars nor moon. Tried to cross the broken bridge but all I could do is think of you. A knife stabbed through my heart and when you were taken from me it killed me quicker. I wanted to go back and see the night sky with you and not feel like one. On night's like those I wanted to feel you cuddle up in my arms and feel my heartbeat that only beated for you. Pain changes people but my heartache is holding me back. I have no will to fall for another because you took great care of my heart and it wants to be with you.~

I had no words those were really nice words. I was so touched. I came closer to Mark to comfort him. My hand was on his shoulder and my other had was on the table. ~Mark, I promise I will get you and Jack together once again.~ Mark looked so happy he turned towards me and gave me a big hug. ~Thank you so much, You are such a great person!~ He released me and took my hands into his and stared into my eyes with such a warm smile. ~Thank you so much this means a lot to me! I thought this day will never come!~ I returned the smile but right when I was about to speak someone pulled me right out of the chair ~HEY, What's your problem~ I yelled. I loosened his grip and turned around and saw that it was Anti.

~ANTI WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!~ I screamed at him mostly because he scared the crap out of me and because he interrupted my conversation with Mark! I look around and notice that everyone was looking at us. Mark looked scared and it was from past experience with Anti. Anti took my hand and pulled me outside. ~We need to talk~ Anti's words gave me a chill. We walked in the alley next to the cafe. I remembered what Jack said about Anti. Anti was dangerous and could kill anyone! Anti finally let's go of my hand and glares at me. He looked scarier in the darkness. What will he say to me now?

A/N: HEY GUYS, sorry it literally took this long to finally update this! Mostly because of my life and now that I lost it I'M BACK IN THE TRASH CAN!!! WOOOHOO!!!! I should be able to update this now and more often! but other than that i'll do another chapter in my other story "Time has come" and probably "Game over" who knows!
:3 this is for ya! Loooooooove ya!Alexlovesseptiplier 

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