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So to start off chapter one of this new book, I'll do the tags sent by two 'evil' beings *cough ladybugsluckycharm cough BlueMist562 cough*

Here we go.

13 facts about me

1) I'm weird

2) I'm pansexual (sometimes Demisexual; it depends on my mood)

3)I'm an ocd freak so I'm annoyed that there's only 13questions

4) I'm a SlugStarOtakian (Slugterra, Star Wars, Otaku)

5) I'm a Yaoi lover

6) I like Eli.

7) Ren from Super Lovers is my cinnamon roll. Also, Junjie

8) I'm Chinese

9) I live in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

10) I have 6 OCs

11) Makoto from Free ISC is ma bae

12) I'm cray cray for Midorima from KNB

13) Ezra from SWR is my blueberry

Moving on....

5 random facts

1) I have fake glasses

2)I'm gonna get retainers this year

3) I ship The Force of Art (Ezrabine)

4) I ship The Purple Carrot (AkaKuroMido)

5) I ship Hero Deluxe (EliJunjie)

10 questions

1. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your sass?

I'd say.. around 5. Much to learn from AllyLeAuthor, I do.

2. Do you like Star Wars, Slugterra or Harry Potter?

I'm a SlugStar

3. Would you save the world?


4. Left or right?


5. Fire of ice?


6. Do you like me?

Yeah surrreeeee

7. If you had to choose between a pizza and a phone, which one would you choose?

The book

8. How would you walk away from an explosion?

Style: how Finn and Rey did
Condition: dead, probably

9. On the scale of one to ten, how would you rate your dorkiness?


10. What super power would you have?

Super power to be humane

I tag: Whoever I mention ↑ there

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