So fucking quiet

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*it's too quiet today. I decided to do this. Thx, Blue, for doing these stories but today can I borrow your idea.of concept?*

Tiffy muttered a swear. It's too quiet today. Ally was away and Johnny and Blue were arguing about Patronus(s).

She had a very bad feeling in her gut and usually that never ended well.

Suddenly, she heard the backdoor open. She slightly jumped in shock in her chair. She quickly got up and grabbed her lightsaber blaster.  As she crept to the kitchen where the backdoor was, she saw a shadow. The shadow was creeping around and it honestly scared her. She wondered whether it was a ghost and shuddered. She and ghosts equals cowering Tiffy. So she hoped it wasn't one.

The person was obviously not a ghost which was a great relief. She peeked at the person as s/he turned around.

She recognized her.

It was her friend, Courtney.

Everything suddenly clicked into place as she remembered that recently, she had taught Courtney what an RP fight was and Courtney actually invited her to a fight but she rejected. Tiffy had told Courtney that one if the was to start/engage a fight was to intrigue the opposing person or make him/her alarmed.

Oh gods what have I done... She thought

She quickly disguised herself as her friend aka Courtney's cousin, Daphne and casually walked in.

" Hey, Courtney!" She greeted

"Don't pretend, Tiffy. Daphne isn't even in this universe" Courtney said in reply

She gulped and turned back to herself "Ah, the student has surpassed the master. Great work, Courtney"

"Shall we engage in a RP fight now?"

"We shall"

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