Chapter Eleven - Anxiety Takes Over

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Lexi’s POV

It was the end of the week and it was time for Gina and I to go home. Dad drove us to the airport to see us off. We had stayed at his house the last couple days, catching up and having some fun. We checked in and went through security. There was a couple fans there, and some that I had never seen before. They told me they were new fans and I welcomed them into the fanbase with a big hug. I got photos with them and I took a keek of us all chilling at the airport. Soon it was time to go on the plane and I gave dad a huge hug and kissed him goodbye as Gina and I walked onto the plane. I was so excited to see Luke.

The cabin crew showed us the safety instructions and emergency procedures, which always made me a bit nervous. I was so tired, I was zoning out. We took off and soon we were up in the sky. There was such a good view of Brisbane from the plane and I felt so lucky to live in Australia. My eyes closed slowly as I rested my head against the window and drifted off to sleep.

I felt a sudden shake and my eyes shot open. “We’re just experiencing a little turbulence. No need to worry.” Said the cabin crew over the loudspeaker. Next thing I know the seatbelt sign began flashing. The plane started shaking like crazy and I looked out the window to see we were getting lower and lower. The oxygen masks dropped from the ceiling and the cabin crew told us to put on our life jackets. I was having an anxiety attack and although I was wearing the oxygen mask, I couldn’t breathe. Gina just looked at me and I saw that look in her eye. The one that she knew we weren’t going to be okay. The plane was falling and this was going to end badly.

The plane kept shaking as the plane slowly drifted closer and closer to the ground. “Please prepare for a rough landing. There is no need to panic. Please remain calm. Everything will be alright.” The cabin crew kept repeating. Over and over again. Not panic? Remain calm? How? Whether they wanted to believe it or not, we were experiencing a plane accident and we were probably going to die. I knew we would only have little time left and I turned to Gina and yelled over the noise of screaming, scared people “Gina” I cried, tears running from my face “If I don’t make it, please tell Luke I love him. Tell my mum and my dad, my sister, brother, the boys, all my family.” Before I could finish, she cut me off “Babe don’t say that” she yelled “We will be fine. We will make it through this. Be strong. We will make it through. We will be fine.” She told me. “Here we go, please hold onto your arm rests and prepare for landing.” The cabin crew said. I prepared myself and for the few seconds I had left of my life I replayed some memories in my mind. My first day of school, my first tooth falling out, the times I was sick and mum and dad stayed by my bed, the times my sister and brother had looked out for me and supported me, the time I had met Rosie and Mel, the day I fell in love with the janoskians, the day luke tweeted me, the day we found out I was pregnant, the day he proposed. Gina held my hand tightly and the plane smashed to the ground with a loud bang, which bumped us in the air and slammed us back down on our seats repetitively as the plane bounced along the ground and scraped along the ground below, coming to a stop. After a minute, the plane stopped suddenly running into something, causing us to fly into the seats in front of us. “Everyone get out of the plane now, please hurry come on come on.” The cabin crew all yelled as they opened the emergency exits. The plane was going to blow up and if we didn’t get out in time, we would too. Gina and I ran towards the exit, me holding my stomach, among with the other hundred people. A member of the cabin crew saw that I was pregnant and quickly got me out. I pulled on Gina’s hand to  come through aswell but the crew said “Only you mam” I was shocked and tried to stay back “I’m not going without her” I said. “Go baby”Gina said. Before I could say anything I got pulled outside, without Gina. I was forced to follow the group of people, running as far away from the plane as possible. We had landed on a field. I just kept running and running as far as I could, until suddenly I heard an explosion and I fell to the ground…….Gina. My eyes began to close slowly.

I opened my eyes and I was at home in my bed, at mums house. I walked into the loungeroom and mum was sitting there watching tv, acting like nothing had happened. “Mum, how did I get back here?” I asked her, standing in front of her. She just ignored me and kept watching Tv. “Mum” I said to her again, it’s like she didn’t even hear me. “Mum” ii yelled at her, still no answer. I went to tap her on the arm. She looked at her arm but didn’t look at me. She rubbed her arm and kept watching TV. I went into Isabella’s room. “Bell” I said to her as she was crying on her bed, looking at something. “Bell what’s wrong?” I asked her. She just ignored me like mum, what was I, invisible? I looked at what she was looking at and it was a photo of me. It then occurred to me, was I dead? No, I couldn’t be, what was happening. I looked down at my belly and I had no bump there, my babies were gone.

I heard a familiar masculine voice enter the house and I ran out to the loungeroom where Luke was standing there with a box. “Here’s the rest of her clothes” he told my mum. “Luke” I yelled at him. He ignored me. “Luke it’s me can you hear me can you see me? PLEASE “ I screamed, holding onto his face, crying. He put his hand on mine and rubbed his face. “Woah”he said. “Whats wrong?” mum asked him. “Nothing I just felt a weird sense on my face” he said. “I felt something on my arm before” mum said. “It can’t be” they agreed.

I went into my room and cried myself to sleep on my bed, eyes drifting away slowly.

I opened my eyes and began hyperventilating. Gina put her hand on my shoulder and said “It’s alright honey”. I was still on the plane, it was all a dream.

I explained my dream to Gina as tears rolled down my face. The cabin crew told me that we were going to be landing in a few minutes, that everything would be alright and they gave me a paper bag to breathe in and a bottle of water. We landed safely ad with the help of Gina, I calmed down. We exited the plane and walked out into the airport. I saw all the fans, but I couldn’t see Luke. He suddenly emerged from the crowd smiling and walked over to me, as I walked towards him. I wrapped my arms around him and began crying. “Baby what’s wrong? Hey… hey! Look at me. What’s wrong beautiful?” he asked as he pulled away, lifted my chin up to look at him and wipe away my tears with his thumb. He gave me a soft kiss on my nose.”I just had a really bad dream on the plane. I love you” I told him, pulling him in for another hug. “Aw I love you too”he said cutely, kissing me on the lips gently before saying hello to Gina and I said hello to the other boys and the fans. They were all comforting me and were very understanding. I felt like the biggest idiot though, I was getting caught up over a dream.

I hope you like it.. i think it was starting to get a bit boring for you so i put some drama in it xx

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