Police All Around

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"That ends today's faculty meeting." Mrs. Gates pronounced to the other adults. All teachers stood up and left the faculty room. Once all were out of the room, the woman let out a sigh of frustration and rested her head in her hands.

The meeting was just about dealing with the students that got third degree burns from 'Bomb Loan'. Also, three students have just entered 'Friendship Club'. She let out another groan, it surprised her that those students would actually get in the-!

Wait, Andy wasn't that much of a surprise. The whole school was waiting for him to make another snap and get thrown in the club.

Joon-Goon . . . well, the boy was just getting too anti-social and lazy. For goodness sakes! He fell asleep standing up in gym!

Then there was Bridgett, she was definitely a surprise. Punching out a teacher? The girl couldn't even dissect a frog! She was also very smart and at the top of the junior class.

She was getting too old for this . . . Maybe she should just retire already. Mrs. Gates shook her head and let her face go to a frown. No, she can't leave her students alone. The principle isn't stupid, she knows over forty percent of her students are either mafia or gangsters. That's why she can't leave. Who knows what would happen to this school if she left. Even though her students were killers and delinquents, they were still children in her eyes that needed guidance. If she stepped down from her position they would probably close down the school and arrest all the delinquents.

A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts. The woman raises her head and adjusted her short, pale gray hair and looked into a mirror to make sure she didn't look to much like a mess. She raised her head up once done.

"Come in." The door opened, two unknown men walked in. Her eyes narrowed at the two well-groomed men. One man with glasses that hid his brown eyes and platinum blond hair smiled at the woman and walked up to her with his hand stretched out.

"Mrs. Gates, it's nice to see you this afternoon. My name is Edison Powers." The woman turned and shook the man's hand. Still keeping caution around him.

"Mister Edison, I would like to know what you're doing in my school." The man let out a smile and gestured toward the man next to him. The man nodded and took the briefcase under his arm on the table, taking out papers and laying it out on the table-top. Mrs. Gates eyes narrowed again and she started to look through the papers. Her eyes widened at them, this can't be!

"Mrs. Gates, those papers have given me permission by the government to come into this school with armed police and take charge or your 'Friendship Club'." The principle glares up at him and folds her arms.

"Excuse me, but I did not get any notification on this." Edison chuckled and gathered up the papers again.

"You don't need a notification. Just leave this school to me." Mrs. Gates hand slams on the table, the man in front of her never changed his expression.

"This is my school! And I do not permit any police to enter my school!" He sighed at the woman's reaction.

"Riverbank High, over forty-percent delinquents. At least ten students are harmed every month. Also known for it's infamous 'Friendship Club'. Which right now, unfortunately, doesn't have anyone in charge." She bits her lip in frustration. Yes, recently Matty hasn't been coming to 'Friendship Club', and the delinquents haven't had a single club meeting in five days. Mrs. Gates looks back up and glares.

"I still do not permit this. I know my students best. And having an unknown man come in with cops will not settle with them." Edison shakes his head at her.

"I'm very sorry. But you don't have any position to change these orders." He and the man next to him then start to walk out of the room. Before they both left Edison turned his head around to smirk at the principle.

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