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Everyone stared as Andy, Joon, and Bridgett run out the room with a still unconscious. All of their faces darkened seeing their object of affection getting swept away. All of them moved at once to go get Sony, but seeing each-other make an action made the males stop and glare at the other. 'Bomb Loan' was the first to react by taking out his explosives and glaring at everyone.

"Don't you dare touch Sony!" Jagger rolled his eyes at the boy's threat.

"Don't you mean your 'mommy'." 'Bomb Loan' stuttered at his remark as his face became bright red.

"W-Well, I know she's not my mommy any more! But she's still important to me!"

He then let out a yelp as someone comes up behind him and picks him up from his collar. 'Bomb Loan' turns his head to glare at the person who picked him up, Matty greeted him with a smile.

"That's good you don't have a sick 'mommy' complex anymore!" The college student then tilted his head with the same grin. "But don't go for the big guys first! Always knock out the smallest competition~." He then said this while turning his almost sadistic face towards Paul.

The blond flinches back as all their attention is now on him. He started to sweat feeling all their piercing glances. He even started to back up a bit, but then he started to get some flashbacks. How Sony got hurt, and how he couldn't do anything because he wasn't as strong as everyone else. Paul clenched his fists and looked back at them challenging them with his own glare. He wont back down again, he's not going to let them push him around!

Matty then let out a laugh at Paul's courage and ruffled the boy's hair before turning back to everyone else.

"But as much fun that would be. 'Friendship Club' is over, and it's time for everyone to go home~. Besides, I don't want to explain to the school why a student got hurt!"

Each of them look towards the clock to indeed confirm that the club was over. All teens turn to glare at each-other before slowly walking out the room.

'Bomb Loan' let out a small growl and started to also exit the room, but his collar was then pulled back by Vincent. He glares at the older class-man and folds his arms.

"What! ?" Vincent also sends him a little glare.

"You're not going to Sony's house, remember, you're living with my family 'till you can get another apartment." The freshman stomps at the floor beginning his tantrum.

"No! I don't wanna! I want to stay with Sony! Not you any more!"

At that exclamation all of the club members go to glare at the teen, Vincent quickly clamps 'Bomb Loan's' mouth shut and rushes out of the room.

Even though it pains him having to have 'Bomb Loan' live with him, his parents would be very angry if they found out he let the district's best bomb maker slip out of his fingers. It especially pains him more that he knows the boy has affections for Sony too.

Vincent sighs to himself, his home is soon going to turn into a battle field.


Paul sees his car and stomps up to it, the teen goes into the car and slams the door shut before putting on his seat-belt. His twin sister next to him raises an eyebrow at his current mood.

"What's up your ass?" Paul sends a glare towards Celestina.

"Just shut it, I don't want to hear you talk today."

Her eyes narrow at his comment as she takes her hand to shove Paul into the window next to him. Paul lets out a grunt and pushes off his sister's hand.

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