Chapter 7

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"What is behind the mask?" You ask one final time. You felt a sting on your cheek , he slapped you. For some reason it felt good, a smile creeped upon your face.

"That felt good, do it again." You smiled feeling your cheek.

"I do not dream of hurting you." Erik frowned. You got closer to him and smirked.

"Now may I ask what lies behind the mask?" You tear his mask off. He was handsome. Your eyes sparkled as you spoke,"You are handsome." Erik broke down and cried.

"No one ever called me handsome before, because it's not true, your just doing it out of pity." He cried.

"Look at me, look at me dead in the eye. You are handsome don't let anyone tell you diffrently not even yourself." You smile.

"You mean it." Erik smiled.

"Of course I do!" You wrapped your arms around him. Then you remembered you had to be sleeping at this time.

"I got to go." You placed a kiss on his cheek. You ran up the stairs and to your room. You slinetly got dressed in your pajamas and went to bed, you went to bed right when your head hit the pillow. It was an early morning again and you were up about 2 hours earily so you could see Erik. You ran down the long corridors and went the back way so you didn't have to cross the lake.

"Morning Erik." You smile. He jumped and looked back at you with a smile.

"Good Morning." Erik smiled.

"I have to go in about 2 hours so I could get to breakfast and rehersules without suspicion." You put down a breakfast plate.

"I thought you wanted something to eat, I never see you eat."

"I don't really eat much, thank you." He looked at the food. You smiled and looked at Erik's organ.

"Can you play?" Erik asked tracing his fingers agaignst the black and white keys.

"My father taught me when I was young, he died when I was 8." You glided you fingers across the keys playing a piece your father taught you how to play.

"That was beautiful, play something else." Erik insisted. You began playing the phantom of the opera.

"In sleep he sang to me in dreams he came, that voice that calls to me and speaks my name, and do I dream again for now I find the phantom of the opera is there inside your mind." You sang.

"Sing once again with me our strange duet my power over you grows stronger yet, and though you turn from me to glance behind the phantom of the opera is there inside your mind."

"Those who have seen your face draw back in fear, I am the mask you wear." You smiled.

"Its me they here." He smiled back.

"You spirit and my voice in one combined, the phantom of the opera is there inside your mind." We sang together.

"I don't know the rest of the song." You blushed.

"It's okay." He pulled you close. You smile and then Erik looked up.

"Whats the matter?" You ask.

"Mademe Giry wants you, hurry." Erik paniced. You didn't say anything and ran up the steps.

"I'm sorry Mademe Giry." You looked at her.

"Eat breakfast, you were 5 mintuse late." Mademe Giry scolded. You went to get breakfast and sat down.

"Sorry I was late." You looked at Meg and Christine.

"It's fine, just don't do it again." Meg smiled. Meg always smiled and Christine was always fun to be around. You got done with breakfast and got into your costume and made your way to the stage. You had to be the pageboy, the silent roll while Carlotta was the lead. Carlotta started to sing not long after.

"Erik please come." You crossed you fingers. When you said that you heard a shriek from Carlotta. You saw her on the floor and blood coming out of here neck. Erik threw his sword at her, you were happy he did.

"She will never be able to walk, he hit her spinal cord." You said to Christine.

"Yes, the oprea ghost has quite an aim." Christine looked at Carlotta as she was carried off the stage.

"We will have to find a new star!" Andre shouted.

"Ms.L/n could do it she has quite the skills." Mademe Giry came next to me.

"What?" You look at her.

"You will be playing the countess." Mademe Giry addressed. You froze in shock, you were the countess, the lead roll. Soon after you fainted, luckly Christine caught you.

Rose Buds Don't Last Forever (Phantom x Reader)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now