Chapter 16

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Your eyes fluttered open to see Christine next to the bed

"Good morning." Christine smiled

"Good morning to you aswell." You smile.

"Your fever went down alittle, but Mademe Giry wants you to stay in bed."


"No but, you are to stay in bed it's the best for you."

"I want to see Erik." You cried.

"You can't

"But I need to!"

"Your sick." You didn't say anything more, you let Christine leave. You saw the playful blonde Meg come in.

"How are you feeling?"

"Fine." You grabbed your head.

"Is everything alright?"

"I just have a little headace thats all." You smile.

"Well if you need anything just ask."

"Will do." Meg happily skipped along. You felt a warm hand touch your head.

"Their liers, you are still as hot as you were before." You heard Erik mumble.

"I'll be fine." You give a faint smile.

"No, you need to be rushed to the doctors." Erik scooped you up and ran toward the hospital. You got a room in a few mintuse and several doctors were sent into the room. Erik held your hand and stroked your hair. Some of it was coming out on his fingers so he stroked softer.

"I don't want to leave you mon amour." You softly spoke.

"I know, but when you get better we will have to part." Erik's smile dropped.

" I won't let her!" Tears rolled down your cheeks.

"She is a storng woman, I don't think you can brake her, mon ange."

"I want to try." You smile. Your head hits the pillow and you were fast asleep. The masked man placed a soft kiss on your head and sat back down. He sat there holding your hand frequently checking your head. He looked down to the promise rings.

"I promise I will make this right, mon ange." He kissed your hand and set off into the night.


"Elsa may I speak with you?" Erik stepped into Giry's office.

"What do you need Erik?"

"I want you to let Y/N and I to be together again, she is broken without me!"

"She'll habe to get over it."

"No, I gave her a promise ring, we will always be together, I promised her!"

"Does she know about your past?"


"Does she appericate your face?"


"You need her to trust you completely. You will tell her everythis then she decides. I will be there aswell."  Erik walked out of her office and ran back to the hospital.

"How is Y/N doing?" He was paniced.

"Better, but she needs to ve here for a week or so."

"Thank you, now may I speak with her alone?" The doctor left.

"Mademe Giry says we can be together if we fully trust eachother."

"But we do!"

"I will tell you my full past and you will decide if I am an angel or a monster. If it's monster we will be parted forever. Tell the truth please."

"I promise." You smile. Erik looked at your dry pale lips and kissed them.

"Mon amour, I am not fully recovered I do not wish for you to catch this." Erik smiles and placed kisses all over your face.

"I love you mon ange."

"I love you to, Erik." He left soon after to do some buisness.

A week later

You were finally heathly and ready to go home. You one consurn was Erik, he didn't look so well after you got out of the hospital. Today was the day, you were going to comfront Erik and Mademe Giry. You walk through the doors of Giry's office. Erik and Mademe Giry were both in the room.

"I am ready." Erik weakly smiled and started his story, it was sad. When he finishrr the last detail tears stained your cheeks. You quickly hugged him.

"I am so sorry Erik."

"Don't feel pity mon ange." He caressed your cheek and you smiled.

"Well it seems you two can be together." Mademe Giry said. You gave Erik another big hug and he kissed your forehead.

"Thank you." Erin walked out of her office with you in his arms.

"Mon amour, you don't look to well." You looked into Erik's golden eyes.

"I'm fine mon ange." He weakly smiles.

"No, you look pale and your voice is horse." You stop him.

"Mon amour, I am okay no need to worry about me."

"Have you been eating regularly?"


"Have you had sleep in the past few days?"

"No, I was worried about you mon ange." He kisses your forehead.

"So your not fine, you need to eat and sleep."

"I will soon."


"I promise."

"Good." You smile.

"Mon amour just understand, I want you to be heathy like me."

"I can't be like you."

"Why not?"

"I'm a monster."

"I love your face, you are a human being not a monster." You smile.

"You think so?" He smiles.

"Oh I do." He starts to place kisses down your neck amd you giggle.

"I love you mon amour."

"I love you too mon ange."

Rose Buds Don't Last Forever (Phantom x Reader)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now