Chapter 15

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"Why!!" Hot tears stained your face. Erik keeled down and stroked your h/c hair.

" You have to understand mon ange, I can not reverse what I had done, Giry thinks it's best we will cross paths again, but not now or in the next few months, but it will happen." He smiled, kissed you, and went into the shadows.

" Mon ange!" You cried. Christine came up behind you, she started to comfort you.

"This isn't fair." You wailed.

"I know, but Mademe Giry only wants the best for you."

"The best for me! She doesn't know Erik like I do, he's diffrent!" You spoke.

"He isn't all you think-"

"I'm going to stop you right there, you don't know him like I know him period." You walked away. You wanted to visit Oliver and the others, so you got ready and flew out the door. You walked in the pooring rain, but you didn't care anymore. You knocked on the door you previously were at.

"Hello." Oliver opened the door ever so slightly.

"Hi!" You waved.

"Who are you?" He glared.

"It's me, Y/N the person that bunked with you for a night."

"Oh! Hello, It's been awhile."

"Damen, Harry, Hope Y/N is back!"

"She is!" I heard 3 small footsteps that got closer. I saw the three teens that I once stayed with.

"Hello!" I heard Harry say.

"How have you been?" Hope asked.

"Well stressed, Heartbroken." Your voice became soft.

"What happened?" Damen butted in.

"Well, I started to date the infamous Opera Ghost and Mademe Giry took me away from him." I quiver.

"I can see why."

"No body knows him like I do."

"Goodbye fello friends I will be back soon." I then walked away into the shadows. I started to notice after each day I started to be like Erik. I started to hide in the shadows, I lost contact with my friends, and I wondered around the Opera house, scaring the ballet rats, Christine, or any others.

"What are you doing mon armour?" You hear a voice.

"Erik!" You smiled.

"Yes, but why are you acking like me?"

"I don't have anything else to do, I lost you." You sat on the ground. You felt a soft hand touch your face, but you couldn't see the person.

"Remember what I told you, we will cross paths again, maybe not now and not in the next month, but we will meet again." You felt a soft tear drop to your face, it wasn't yours it was Eriks.

"See you sometime mon armour." Your voice shook. You forced a smile on your face as the shadow left, you were left in darkness once more, instead of fighting it you let it surround you.

"Life isn't fare." You cried into your lap. You returned to dancing and talking with your friends.

5 months later...
Everyone started to say how pale you were, some said you were a ghost.

"Let me feel your head." Mademe Giry sat down. You let her and she gasped.

"You have a fever."

"Is that bad?" Your voice became soft.

"Yes, you could die from it." Mademe Giry.


"Yes, but I am going to get you water and a cold towel to put over your head. You need to rest." Mademe Giry ran out the door.

"Mon armour."


"What is going on?" He paniced looking at your pale skin.

"I have a fever thats all." You smile.

"It looks to be a pretty bad one." He sat down beside you.

"I don't know." You layed your head down and fell asleep. You were on the edge then you felt a kiss on your head.

"Mon armour, what ever is causing this fever you could catch."

"As long as I'm with you, I don't care." He smiled. "Mademe Giry is coming back, I should go." The shadow then disappear.

"How are you doing?" Giry asked.

"Not so well." You honestly said.

"You need rest my dear." You started to fall asleep once more, this time you fell completely asleep.

Rose Buds Don't Last Forever (Phantom x Reader)#Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now