Chapter 13: Unexpected

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What's the deal here?! 

I could've sworn my eyes were similar to an owls right about now. The taste of this hand on my mouth isn't exactly the best either. Elecrticity ran through my bones, causing me to wonder about the action. I'm just so sure this is Josh, he's always got something up his sleeves. 

So why exactly are we just standing here? Isn't he going to pull a next move

I decided to see what was the nonsense all about. I turned around to see who I suspected. Josh. He greeted me with a light kiss. I put force on his chest with my hands, getting him just a little bit away from me. 

"What the hell Josh!" I yelled.

"What?!" He gave me such a clueless look. 

Is he an absolute idiot? What does he mean "what"? 

"Josh, you could have been a rapist or something!" I pouted. 

He chuckled, "Well chill, because I'm not."

He can laugh about this? How does he NOT understand that his little prank wasn't so funny? Well whatever, I'll lighten up just this once.

"C'mon!" Josh tugged on my hand dragging me to somewhere darker, which did scare me a little. I really can't stop questoining myself on why exactly I said yes. 

I was lead to a nearby street light where I had seen a random laundry basket filled with small balloons. I was more puzzled than I had been in the past few minutes.

"Um.. Josh?" I turned my head over to my left side, just to see a devlish grin upon his perfect face. He let go of my hand, making his way towards the basket. Josh picked up a balloon, just holding it at the tip of his hand.

"These my love are balloons, as you can see. Although, they're not just any balloons. They've got a little magic something to them."

Suddenly his arm shot up, going back behind his head. In a blink of an eye the balloon that was in his hands had hit my shoulder. I had felt a splash once it striked me, my eyes were shut tight so I wasn't able to tell. I wiped off whatever was on my face. The substance felt icky and strange, which made me beyond curious. Slowly, I opened my eyes, only to see green paint all over the inside of my hand. 

I began to hear the intoduction of the song, Eye of the Tiger, playing in my mind. Strutting towards him and stopping in front of the basket, I pick out a blue balloon. I tip toed and then popped the balloon right above his forehead, getting a couple drips of paint on me, but left him with red paint streaming down his face.

This is war.

I picked up as many of the balloons as I could, running into the nearest dark spot of the park.

As cliché as it sounds, I hid behind bushes. For a minute I sat, though I should be coming up with strategies for my game plan, I overlooked this whole date. For Josh being Josh, I never expected any sort of relationship such as ours. 

Only moments into my deep thinking, my ninja boyfriend jumped over the bush and popped a squat next to me. I shut my eyes and clinched my fists quickly, but nothing happened. Instead, he scooted closer to me, wrapping an arm around me. 

"Hello." He whispered.

I giggled and laughed, looking at him.

"You look to beautiful in this moonlight, along with the paint on ya."

"Shut up." I playfully punched him as he chuckled at me.

I couldn't help but to get butterflies over and over again. I rested my head upon his shoulder, looking out into the darkness. In that moment, it was rather silent and peaceful, but still comfortable. 

Though placing my head on him was a terrible idea. Josh took out yet another water balloon from behind him and smashed it on top of my head. There was still paint left on his hands, so with one finger, he gently poked my nose.

I stood up and took off running, of course heading to the basket. Thankfully there were plenty more left. I could hear Josh advancing towards me from a distance. With all my might, I threw every single one at him, missing a few times. Since there were no longer any balloons when he reached me, he held me in his arms, twirling me around to spread his paint to me. 

I squirmed, squealed and screamed until he set me free, all Josh could do was laugh. 

Finally he put me down.

We just stood there for a minute, then he bent down to kiss my nose.

"This was fun, don't you think?" Josh asked me.

"Not exactly what I had expected for a first date kind of thing, but I loved it."

"There's more, you know." He had pointed out to a tent just a little bit away from where we were at, though it was a bit difficult to see since it was pitch black all around. I walked off from Josh to grab my bag, I was worn out and totally ready to get into my cozy pajamas.

"I'm just gonna.." I started to speak, directing my thumb behind me to point towards the tent. He nodded his head, already knowing what I was gonna do. I headed over to the tent, unzipping it and stepping foot inside. I seriously could not believe he took so much time and effort to prepare this. Inside was a blanket laid on the ground with two pillows and a thicker blanket, along with a solar powered lantern and his bag of things. I stripped off my clothing and quickly put on my pajamas, leaving my painted hair down and throwing my other set of clothes to the side. Soon after I plopped onto the ground, placing my hands on my stomach and just laying there. I heard the tent door unzipping and saw Josh's smile first thing. He had already changed his clothing as well, tossing whatever he had previously been wearing in the pile where I had set my clothes.

Instead of coming to lay towards me, he opened the small roof like thing above us so that we could look up at the stars. Josh crawled over to the lantern, making the light a little dim. It scared me, but at the same time, excited me. He sat next to me, then picking me up and placing me on his lap to straddle him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and scooted closer to him. He placed his hands on my waist, first giving me a gentle kiss on my forehead, then to my nose and lastly to my lips. He pushed off my left hand from his neck, beginning to kiss my hand. Josh made a trail that ended at my neck, though he only left soft kisses upon it. Boy, did that get my pulse racing or what. Josh stopped to stare at me in silence, leaning closer, we even butterfly kissed. 

Though the look he had been giving me was confusing to read, I wasn't quite sure what he had in store for me next. Josh just smirked as I looked into his eyes, trying to figure him out.



I'm so so so so so sorry it's taken me practically forever to update this story!

Life's been a little bumpy lately and I kinda just had writer's block. Sooo if this chapter feels short to you, I am so very sorry once again!

I will try to update as much as possible, I hope you're enjoying though!

If you have any suggestions for the next chapter, feel free to leave a comment down below or simply message me. :)

{also, if you did end up enjoying PLEASE VOTE :D }

Keep calm and read on :))

Also, if you'd like, please check out my other books, Without Alter Ego and ecluded Transformations

Until chapter 14, see you guys!

MUWAH! I love you all! :* :) :D 


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