I've read fanfiction that have good plots and it seems good but they add the Annie's cliches.
Tamaki: DDLG shit going on, huggling Haruhi, mushrooms, emo corner.
Haruhi: Fuck off, Senpai. Bland. Blunt.
Mori: grunt. Grunt. Mitsukuni, brush your teeth. No cake.
Honey: I want some FUCKING cake you better gimme that God Damn cake before I bust your fucking veins open, Bitch. Aww kawaii loli shota =u=.
Hikaru: Haruhi. Pranks. Super bisexual tho off the charts. Gay for pay. Fuck your brethren for that fucking yen. Etc.
Kaoru: Hikaru. Pranks. Super homo tho off the charts. Gay for pay. Fuck your brethren for that fucking yen. Etc. Also like jealous of Haruhi in twin fanfics.
Kyoya: Mon€¥ bitçh€$. Laptop. Glasses glare. FUCKING Yen. I Fuck calculators.
Renge: EHEHEHHEHEHEHHEHEHEHE. Witch laughter. Otaku to the max.
Cmon though I see that a lot. Add your twist that fits.
DISCLAIMER: I hope no one takes offense to this. Please do not get your anal beads in a twist 😀