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Up in the media, I have the ARMS and CUPS method.

Add sentences and words
Remove unneeded words or sentences
Move a sentence or word placement
Substitute words or sentences with others

Capitalization: sentences, names, places, months, titles, I
Usage: match nouns and verbs correctly
Punctuation: . ! ? , " "
Spelling: check all your words. Use resources!

I notice many people may not know how to use this. I know that a lot may not know what ARMS CUPS is, but this is some basic facts.

I go into fanfictions and they have great description. But..

The moonlite iluminated the patio as hikaru sat on the grass he threw the wilted rose he had in his hand into the hard blowing wind


The slightest punctuation and capitalization can make a fanfiction 100x better!

I use this method and shit, but I sometimes forget. Just please don't..

Disregard all you have learned in class

Peace out, bitches!

(I'm sorry I love you guys)

If you have any cliches, even if Its in general fanfiction, tell me! I'll check them out.

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