Chapter 1

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“Take five everybody!"

            A collective sigh can be heard as everyone relaxes their rigid poses on the stage. I grin to myself as I heave myself up from my sprawled position on the walkway above them. Shutting down the unneeded stage lighting as I head towards the safety of the solid platform a few feet ahead, I chuckle quietly. Mrs. Plump—yes, that is her real name—is likely having a little breakdown in her office right about now. Less than two weeks until opening night, and the sets aren’t finished and some of the leads still aren’t getting their lines right. The backup dancers keep bumping into each other, and her assistant is home with a fever. After three years of the same routine, you stop worrying about it, so now it’s all quite funny.

            Climbing down the ladder to the stage, I make my way backstage, dodging cast and crew members running all over the place. Backstage is a whole new world, with costumes strewn everywhere except their racks, makeup artists running all over the place, and the constant chatter of voices. I head over to a row of mirrors where most of the leading ladies sit, fixing this and that with their already spotless makeup or perfectly coifed hair. Some of them practice lines with the people next to them, and a few girls unfortunate enough to face Mrs. Plump’s wrath cry quietly in the corner. I walk over to the last mirror, where a pretty girl with auburn hair curled with at least a dozen of pink ribbons sits prettily in a gown that should belong on a ten year old girl from the early 1900s.

            I rest my hands on Angelica’s shoulders and lean down to whisper her ear. “Hello gorgeous. You look about twelve years old right now.” I press a quick kiss on her cheek before she can swat me away, giggling like the little girl she looks like.

            “Good; I’m supposed to look twelve. Amy did a great job with my hair, and Laura did equally well with my makeup. I just hope they can replicate this exact look the night of.” She bites her lip.

            “Don’t you start worrying about that yet. Just focus on remembering your lines and cues. You looked great out there today.”

            “Do you think Mrs. Plump thought so?”

            “Absolutely, she ignored you.”

            “That makes no sense!”

            “Mrs. Plump only pays attention to people that are messing up. If she doesn’t call on you, then she thinks you’re doing fine. Don’t sweat it, I’ve worked with her for three years, so I know when you should be worrying about her, and now’s not the time.”

            “If you say so.”

            “Stop doubting yourself Angel! You’re the best girl out there, and Mrs. Plump knows it. That’s why she gave you such a prominent role. It takes a lot of talent for her to cast someone she’s never worked with in a leading role—usually they go to people who’ve worked with her multiple years.”

            “I hope you’re right. I can’t stop thinking that I’m not the right person for this part! It’s so important; I don’t want to mess it up!”

            “Angel, breathe for a minute. You know you were made for this role. You love it, you love your character. Think about what you feel like when you’re up there on that stage, saying Annabella’s lines, singing her songs, as everyone in the room hangs on to your every word. The rush you get when you walk onto that stage in costume, and get to be someone else for a little while. You live for that rush Angel! So think about what you’re saying.”

            She sighs. “You’re right. I know you’re right. I just don’t wanna let anyone down.”

            “You’re worrying about nothing, Angel. You’re amazing, and you couldn’t let anyone down. The only way you could let us down is by giving up. Just go up onto that stage, and do what you love, and you will be stunning.”

            “Thanks Handsome.” She smiles up at me, leaning back against my chest. My name isn’t actually Handsome, though Angel never uses anything different. No, I was cursed with the name Beauregard Dubois, but everyone else calls me Bo.

Suddenly she tenses, her eyes flying open from their relaxed half-closed position. “Oh, I almost forgot! Our weekly GSA meeting has been bumped from tomorrow to Tuesday. Michelle told me before rehearsal started, but I didn’t get a chance to tell you. Mme. Hurst has an appointment so we wouldn’t have anyone to chaperone the meeting.”

            “I’ll spread the word tonight. And speaking of Michelle…” Angelica’s cheeks redden and her eyes shift a way, her lips tilting in a small smile she tries to hide. I barely resist squealing. “She asked you, didn’t she?! Oh, Angel, I’m so happy for you! Oh, you’ll be beautiful! What are you going to wear? Wait, no, this calls for something new. You have to let me take you shopping!”

            “Hush, you!” She waves frantically for me to be quiet, trying not to laugh. She looks so happy; the only thing that stops me from lifting her up and spinning her around is the fact that we’re backstage of the play. Not to mention the fact that I’d ruin her hair. She smiles shyly when we stop laughing. “Yeah, she asked me to the homecoming dance. Promised that we would go as a couple, and not just friends.”

            I smile, so happy for her. Her relationship with her girlfriend had taken a turn for the worst a few weeks back. Angelica’s out at school, but Michelle wasn’t because she was afraid that she’d be kicked off the basketball team. Angelica wanted to show off their relationship, but Michelle wanted to keep it a secret, even avoiding her at school sometimes. Angelica had been real hurt by the whole thing. I know something happened after that, but Angelica’s being tight lipped about the whole thing. I do know it involved a very romantic, possibly public kiss. In the rain, no less.

            I pout at her. “Now who am I going to go with? I feel so jealous.”

            “If I know you, you’ll find some incredibly hot, sweet guy to sucker into going with you by the time the dance rolls around.” She rolls her eyes.

            I shift my eyes away. I don’t like keeping things from her, but even Angel doesn’t know that any hot, sweet guy won’t do. No, there’s only one guy that I’d really like to go with. Just so happens, he’s the one guy I definitely couldn’t have.

            “Hey, you okay Handsome?” Her smile fades, and she studies me, her big blue eyes filled with concern. Concern that just about breaks my heart.

            Before I can answer, Mrs. Plump’s voice fills the room. “Break’s over everyone! Where are my leading ladies? Jacoby, you should be at stage left! Ladies, center stage please!”

            “That’s you, Angle. Break a leg—metaphorically speaking please.”

“Thanks Handsome.” She leans up and places a quick kiss on my cheek before racing off to the stage, her auburn curls bouncing.



Sorry this first chapter is so short, it's just kind of setting the stage--hehe, no pun intended--for the main character's personality, and his relationship with his best friend. That relationship is going to be very important! (Hint; read the mini description I wrote of this story and you'll understand if you don't already!)

Don't forget to vote and comment! I love feedback!

Edit 03/11/2013;

I am having a cover off for this story on my Facebook page. I have posted the link in the comments,  as well as an 'external link' underneath the cover and tags; go vote on which cover you think would be best for Backstage Kisses!

Edit 04/11/13

So, what do you think of the new cover?! Isn't it just amazing?! Creds go to crazy_girl0127 for making this beautiful cover among many others! You can also find the very close second option to the right  ---> 

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