What You've All Been Waiting For

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Well, not exactly what you've all been waiting for.

If you're reading this right now, I'd like to thank you for staying faithful to Bo and Noel's story despite my regretfully horrid absence here on Wattpad for the last few months. Now, I know you are all waiting to read the last chapter of this story, but it's just not going to happen. HOWEVER, I will hopefully do one better; I have begun rewriting Backstage Kisses and will be posting the new and improved story soon.

Please note: there have been some changes in the new story. Noel is now Noal (which was supposed to be his name to begin with, I just misspelled it, oops), for one. Bo will be narrating the story in third person limited instead of first person. Bo and Noal will be alternating POVs in the new version, with Noal also in third person. The play at the beginning will be a much larger aspect of the story as well, and the director is now named Vicky (who is a younger, slimmer, more professional version of Mrs. Plump). Noal will also be an actor in the play. Noal and Angel are also now going to be twins instead of him being older.

For now those are the main changes, I'm sure more things will change and hopefully improve as I continue rewriting. I would love your opinions on these changes in the comments below.

Now, I figured you all would like a sneak peak at the new story, so here's a few paragraphs from the first chapter:

Act One Scene One

Enter Bo, Stage Left

          “Take five everybody!” A collective sigh of release can be heard throughout the theater as students relax from their roles on stage back into their own skins once more.  Bo watches from above without envy, for he had long ago accepted that he was not meant for the stage. No, he was much happier up on the catwalk tinkering with the lighting, making sure that the actors on the stage below him were always in the spotlight.

            Vicky, the director, storms off the stage into her office via stage left. Bo assumes that she’s three seconds away from a breakdown and doesn’t want her precious cast to be any more disheartened than they already are. Less than two weeks until opening night and the sets were barely half finished, the costumes hadn’t arrived, the dancers haven’t learned their steps, and the leading lady just quit the day before. It was safe to assume their esteemed director had her work cut out for her.

            Bo isn’t worried. After three years of working the lighting for his high school’s plays, little fazes him. In his mind, he’s seen it all, and so he knew without a doubt a new lead would be chosen—likely already had been,—the sets would be done with time to spare, the costumes would arrive within the week, and the dancers would learn the complicated routines. Actors and directors, however, loved their drama, and so they panicked.

            Bo watches with envy as the leading male strides across the stage with the confidence of a born star. One of the leading ladies breaks away from the gaggle of chatting females to run towards him with a grin, and is picked up by the waist and spun in a wide circle. Bo watches with a smile as their laughter reaches his ears.

            He turns away from the scene to climb down the steps of the ladder that extends from stage left to the catwalk stretching across the air over the stage. Angelica is waiting for him, having left her twin brother to chat with the giggling girls she’d abandoned center stage.

So, there's the new beginning. Please let me know what you think down below in the comments, and I will have the new chapter up within the month (so within two weeks). Thanks for reading!

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