Chapter 6

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Thank you all so much for reading this! I can't believe how popular Backstage Kisses has gotten! It means so much to me that you are all taking the time to read this.

So, as promised, HERE IS THE NEXT CHAPTER!!!!!

Sorry it's so short. It's mostly a flashback, I hope you like it!

Please don't forget to





        Lindsay showed up an hour later, and Angelica basically forgot I existed. Not that I didn’t understand. Angelica talks about the play all of the time, so it’s not like I could really compete with someone who actually knows what it’s about. 

        A while later, Angelica and Lindsay were holed up in her room with the door closed, practicing their lines and gossiping at the same time. I had once again retreated to their backyard, but this time I wandered off the porch and headed for the old oak tree in the corner of the yard instead. Now I’m sitting under the tree, leaning against the thick trunk, its bark pushing into my back, and staring up through the canopy of leaves at the blue sky above it. It had turned into a beautiful day, and even the chill that had been signalling the approaching fall months is missing today. Now, staring up through the bright leaves, I remember all of the other times I’ve sat here, and one particular day comes to mind. I’d been sitting in the exact same spot as I am now, not over a year ago…

        I was sitting on the hard ground, staring up at the bright leaves above me when Noel found me. I heard him approaching, but I didn’t acknowledge him, even when he sat down next to me. He was silent for a few minutes, and so we sat there, not talking, just staring at the bright sky. Even still, his presence was a comfort, as it had been for the entire month I’d been living with them. His shoulder was pressed against mine, and as his warmth sank into my cool skin, I felt myself relaxing against him.

        However, eventually I couldn’t stand the silence anymore, and I had to ask the question that hadn’t left my mind since she phoned this morning. “I have to go home eventually, don’t I?” My voice is quiet, sad. I still don’t look at him.

        He sighs beside me. “You can’t stay here forever. You dad’s gone; they’ve filed for a divorce. She wants you back home with her now.”

        "Ha.” I laughed without humour, bitterness filling me. The bitch had never really cared about me. I was a mistake, the result of a one-night stand that forced her into a marriage she never wanted, and the life of parenting she had hoped to avoid. Now I was also a mistake living off the charity of others, something her pride just couldn’t withstand. A mistake that had to be gay on top of all that. I wished I had never decided to come out.

        “Don’t say that. You shouldn’t have to hide who you are just to please someone else.” It wasn’t until Noel said that that I realized that I’d spoken out loud. I blushed slightly; his words made me strangely happy. Of course, seeing as I’d been living with them because I came out, obviously I already knew that he’d accepted that I’m gay, but it had somehow never been directly talked about, only implied. They all knew why I was staying with them; I’d been kicked out of my house by my own father, but no one knew what to say, so they stayed silent.

        “All it did was cause everyone trouble. I should have just stayed silent. I was fine at school, most people already knew, but for some strange reason I thought that I should tell my parents. I thought that they should know. I thought that they would love me.” My voice cracked, but as I was suddenly swamped with pain, I couldn’t bring myself to care. I was tired of being strong; I was tired of pretending that my father’s rejection didn’t hurt. I was tired of trying.

        I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt something warm brush across my cheek, and opened my eyes to meet Noel’s concerned and sympathetic gaze. His eyes were filled with compassion as he gently swiped his thumb under my other eye, brushing away the tears.

        “Shh” He soothed, cupping the side of my face gently in his hand. Somehow he’d maneuvered himself so that he was sitting in front of me, and he gently pulled my head to his shoulder. “It’s alright to cry.” He whispers, and suddenly I’m sobbing, letting out all of the pain of rejection and betrayal, and the anger at my father for abandoning his own son when I needed and trusted him. I sobbed into Noel’s shirt until I couldn’t cry anymore, and the whole time he whispered unknown, soothing words into my ear as he rubbed gentle circles into my back.

        Eventually, minutes or hours later, I stopped crying, and pulled back with a little sniffle. I was sure my eyes were red and puffy, my cheeks flushed and stained with dried tears, but I didn’t see any disgust on his face over my display of weakness. All I saw was understanding, and suddenly I wanted to cry all over again. His expression was tender as he continued to stroke my back in small, slow circles.

        “You okay?” He asked softly, concerned.

        I sniffled once more and tried to pull myself together. After a long breath, when I was sure I wasn’t going to suddenly burst into tears again, I nodded firmly. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

        He frowned gently at me. “You don’t have to lie to my Bo. It’s okay if you’re not fine, because clearly you’re not. I won’t judge you for feeling sad, Bo.”

        Dammit, it’s like he was trying to make me cry again. Why was he always so nice to me?

        His face softened even more, and he smiled softly. “It’s because we’re friends. I care about you.” When he said that, I realized I’d once again spoken out loud. Man, I really needed to get my head together; apparently emotions made my tongue loosen.

        My stomach fluttered oddly. I suddenly realized that he was only about a foot away from me, and now that he’d stopped rubbing my back, he was basically hugging me with one arm. My heart started beating wildly, and my eyes widened. I’d never been so close to him before.

        He seems to be waiting for some sort of response to what he said, so I nod softly. Friends. Yeah, I guess that is what we were…

        That was the first day that I really started thinking of Noel as a friend, not just Angelica’s older brother and a roommate of sorts. It was also the day that I realized that I’d fallen in love with him.



So yeah, that's basically it for this chapter. I really hope you liked it! Please comment and tell me what you think! As before, the more you comment, the sooner I upload!!!

Also, check out my other boyxboy romance Tears. It's a one-shot, only 3 pages, but I'm trying to boost its reads!

You guys rock!!

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