Chapter 8: The Long Anticipated Last Chapter

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Yes, it's finally here! I decided to give you the ending after all! I wrote this ending for my 30 Day Writing Challenge Day Eleven: write an ending to a longer work (go check out all of my challenges on my profile, tomorrow's is an alternate ending, which I will be showing you another way this story could have ended!)

Without further ado, here it is, the ending to Bo and Noel's story (at least, the original one. Theatrical Kiss will have a different one)



I couldn’t believe I’d just left him sitting there.

Two days later and that scene in the park with Noel is still bothering me. I was confused, and no matter how many times I’d gone over and over when happened in my mind, I still couldn’t understand what had happened. He had been so sweet and gentle and affectionate. He hadn’t hesitated at all in touching me no matter how close we were, he had even laid on top of me, where anyone could see. Yet he had dated girls, had had kissed them and shown no signs of disliking it, hell he’d probably done more than that. I know he isn’t gay, but he sure as hell didn’t act straight when we went to the park!

Frustrated, I kick the railing of the catwalk, wincing when it makes a loud ping above the stage. Luckily nobody heard it over the music of the orchestra, and so I remain invisible in the darkness above the stage. It is opening night, and Mrs. Plump would kill me if I ruined this for her and the actors.

Focusing on my job once more, I listen for my cue and adjust the large spotlight in front of me so that it shone directly on Angel for her big solo. I shouldn’t have to do anything else for a few minutes, so I head back to the equipment closet with to check on the wiring. Bending down to make sure all the plugs are where they should be and there’s no chance of them coming loose, I don’t notice the figure behind me until I stand up and bump into them.

Jumping with a start, I spin around with a hand over my racing heart to see who had cornered me. Noel stares seriously back at me.

“Noel, you scared me!” I say, running a shaky hand through my hair. He just stares at me, his brows drawn down. He looks confused, and he studies me from head to toe in silence.  “Noel?” I ask hesitantly. “Are you alright?”

Instead of answering, he steps forward into my personal space. Instinctively I take a step back, and he takes a step forward again. I step back and suddenly my back is pressed up against the wall, with nowhere else to go. My eyes are wide, my breathing heavy as Noel invades my space with barely an inch between us. Noel leans in, his breath fanning gently across my face, and it’s everything I can do to keep from moaning loudly. Instead I bite my lip and watch as his eyes are drawn to the motion. His breath hitches, and he’s panting too.

 I nearly jump when I feel a gentle touch on my cheek, startled to feel Noel caressing my face gently, just like he had in the park. His brow furrows more, confused.

“Why?” His voice is barely a whisper. “Why did you run away from me?”

Before I can do more than gasp, his lips are on mine, hard and soft at the same time. At first I don’t react, frozen in shock, and the kiss becomes awkward. Then instinct kicks in and I moan, my arms sliding lightly around his neck as I return his kiss, pressing back against his lips.

Then his tongue whispers across my upper lip and I realize what is happening. Gasping, I push his shoulders, and he instantly stops. “Wait!” I gasp out, still pushing.

Noel steps back, hurt flashing across his face. His shoulders slump and he avoids my eyes.

“Wait!” I say again, this time to stop him from leaving. “What are you doing?” I cry out. “Why are you torturing me like this?” I can’t stop the words from tumbling out. Noel’s brow furrows.

“Torturing you? You’ve been torturing me!” Noel begins to pace across the small space, three paces to one wall, spin, three paces to the other. “You’re so confusing! You stare after me with these adoring eyes and yet you act like I’m just your best friend’s brother! You stare at me like you want me and then you push me away whenever I get anywhere near you! You seem like you enjoy my touch and yet you run away when I finally show you my feelings!” His voice rises so that he’s almost shouting at me.

“What are you talking about?” I cry in confusion, grabbing his arm to stop his pacing. He turns and we stare at each other with equally confused and anguished faces. “What are you talking about?” I say again, quieter. “Noel, you can’t be saying this. You’re not even gay!”

Suddenly his face is angry again. “Ugh, what is with people! Everybody thinks you’re either gay or straight, that just because I’ve had girlfriends in the past that I can’t also like guys. Why does everybody forget that there are some people in this world who are bisexual?” He throws up his hands in exasperation.

“What?” I say stupidly.

“Bo,” He grasps my shoulders, shaking a little. “I am bisexual.” He enunciates the words slowly. “I’ve been trying to show you for weeks, God maybe longer, and yet you refuse to see it!”

“What are you saying?” I ask, hardly daring to hope that he’s saying what I think he’s saying.

Noel rolls his eyes. “Bo, I like you. As in, like you like you.” He smiles softly at me, his hands still on my shoulders, though his eyes are still tense around the corners.

Suddenly I throw myself at him and he stumbles as he adjusts to my weight. I waste no time, plastering my mouth against his once more, and he chuckles against my lips. I pull back.

“Are you serious?” I ask, just to be sure.

Noel laughs, pulling me against him, one arm around my waist, the other cupping the back of my head, pulling our lips back together.

“Yes” He says, and seals it with a kiss.



And there you have it folks, the long anticipated ending for Backstage Kisses!

Please feel free to tell me what you think in the comments down below!

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