Chapter 4

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“Rise and shine sleeping beauty…” A quiet voice slowly breaks through my consciousness, dragging me out of my blessed sleep. No! I don’t wanna wake up! I groan and shove my head under my pillow, burrowing into the blankets. I hear a low chuckle, and suddenly the sheets are being yanked off of me.

            “Hey!” I grouse, reaching down half-heartedly to grab them. I feel a cold breeze on my back, causing my skin to pebble and me to shiver. I give up on sleep and roll over, blinking against the brightness. For a second I’m confused, wondering where the blue walls of my bedroom went, even as my brain struggles sluggishly to comprehend the laughing pair of deep brown eyes a few feet away from my face.

            “Holy shit!” I shout, bolting up in bed. Noel laughs at me.  Glancing down at my bare chest and boxers, I dive for the blanket. Noel laughs harder. I glare at him. “What was that for?!”

            “I’m sorry,” He chokes out between laughs. “I couldn’t help it! They told me to come wake you up!” His cheeks are red from his laughter, and his brown hair is all mussed like he himself had just woken up. He looks about five years younger than he usually does. It’s incredibly cute.

            “What time is it?” I grumble, looking around the room for Angelica’s alarm clock. Ah, there it is, an atrocious pink thing sitting on her bedside table. I slowly turn back to Noel. “Please tell me that it isn’t ten o’clock.”

            He grins. “Sorry, no can do. I don’t like to lie.” He winks. I try not to melt.

            “Ugh!” I groan and flop back, pulling the pillow over my face. No wonder he was sent to wake me up. I never sleep in this late. After a few seconds, I sit up with a sigh to find Noel just sitting on the floor beside Angelica’s bed staring at me. He still has a goofy little grin on his face. I stare at him warily; that look always meant he has some sort of mischief in mind. “I swear to God, if you try to tickle me, I will scream.” I warn.

            His grin kicks up a few notches, and he leans forward. Oh God, why did I say that?! Stupid idiot, you know he can’t resist a dare!

            “Is he awake yet?!” Angle’s voice from the doorway startles us both, enough so that Noel actually jumps, causing him to fall onto his back. He stares up at his sister with a big grin on his face.

            “Hey sis! Yep, I think he’s awake.”

            Angelica rolls her eyes. “Good.” She looks up at me and raises an eyebrow. “Do me a favour, okay? Don’t antagonize my girlfriend too much this morning, she’s a little grumpy about having to sleep on the couch last night while you got to sleep in here with me.”

            I grin wickedly. Ooh, this could be fun.

            She narrows her eyes. “I mean it mister!” She points at me, trying to act tough. I have to bite my lip to stop myself from laughing at her. After studying my face for a moment, she turns to leave the room, throwing a “get dressed!” back over her shoulder.

            Noel and I look at each other and simultaneously burst out laughing. Friends are the best.


            “Mmmm, something smells amazing!” I moan as I walk into the kitchen. Angel laughs from the table, where she and Michelle are scarfing down a stack of pancakes drenched in maple syrup. Platters of eggs, bacon, toast, sausage and more pancakes are spread out in the middle of the table, along with various drinks, toppings, and dishes.  I turn to Brayden who is standing at the stove with a spatula in hand. “Brayden, you have really outdone yourself this time! It looks amazing. He flashes me a wide grin.

           Thank you, he signs.

           “No, thank you!”

           Help yourself. He waves at the food spread out on the table.

           “Don’t mind if I do.” I grab a plate across from Angel and start loading pancakes, bacon and sausages onto it. Then I grab some real maple syrup and drench it all. Rolling the meat up in the pancake, I pick it up with my hands and take a bite off the end. “Mmm” I close my eyes in ecstasy.

           “You need some time alone with that Bo?” Michelle’s sarcastic voice draws me out of my food stupor, and I see everyone staring at me.

           “Would you? I think I need some time to bond with my new love.”           

           Noel snorts from his seat beside me, but Michelle just scowls at me. Hmm, grumpy indeed. I internally shrug, and turn back to my food.

           Brayden is really an amazing cook. I have never had such yummy pancakes in my life. Maybe I should get the recipe from him…nah, I couldn’t cook to save a life, and trying to do so would do these amazing morsels an injustice.

           Reaching down to take another bite, I come up empty. Hmm, seems I’ve already eaten it all. Man, that was good. Looking at my sticky fingers, I debate cleaning them off with a napkin, but then all of that delicious syrup would go to waste…I shrug and start licking my fingers. Mmm, yummy syrupy goodness.

           Glancing up, I realize that Noel’s staring at me with a funny look on his face. “What?” Oh no, do I have syrup all over my face? How embarrassing!

           Noel startles at my question and looks away, blushing. Wait, what? Noel never blushes. It’s kind of adorable though. He’s one of the guys that only blushes in his cheeks, not the full-face blush that makes your face look like a tomato.  

           “Sorry.” He mumbles, looking down at his plate. Okaaaay, what was that about? I wonder. Obviously there wasn’t something on my face, he would’ve said something. Wouldn’t he? Just in case, I quickly blot at my cheeks with a napkin. Nope.

           I look at Angelica, who seems to be studying us. She has a strange combination of smugness and worry on her face. I couldn’t image why either would be there, and deduce it must be a girl thing. Girls are weird. I give her a quizzical look, hoping she can clue me in on what Noel is thinking. They are related after all.

           However, she just smiles mysteriously, before giving me an innocent look and shrugging. Boo, you suck. I wanna say it to her face, but it would probably sound kinda weird. Suddenly I realize that no one’s actually talking. Wow, talk about being sucked into reality. A very silent reality. Wow, I’m rambling in my head. This is weird. Wait, I’m still kind of talking to myself. Stop it! Stop! I growl a little in frustration. Oops, got a look for that one. Michelle really is grouchy. Poor girl got stuck on the couch while I slept with her girlfriend. I snicker. Oops, got another look. Gotta stop talking to myself…



Awwwww, isn't Bo's inner babble cute xD Looks like Angel's up to something...I wonder what will happen next...oh yeah, I'm supposed to know that...oooh *evil chuckle*

Anyway, I'll try to upload another chapter soon. I'm sticking with short ones so I can upload more often. I'll try to get another chapter up within the next few days, however, it all depends on if my teachers are in good moods or bad moods (more specifically, whether or not they give lots of homework).

So, I hope you all liked this chapter! The only way I'll be able to know is if you vote and comment! Don't be afraid to let me know what you think!

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