Chapter 5

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OMG you guys, I'm so excited! I just got like ten more followers this week, so now I'm up to 16! I love you guys!!! and Backstage Kisses has like 20 views now, I'm so happy! I really hope to get more views though however, so if you like it, don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT please!!  

I love you guys!!! You're the best!  

P.S. this chapter is dedicated to my first follower and a good friend, go check out some of her writing!

EDIT 02/11/13:

OMG, I love you guys, Backstage Kisses now has 239 views and 19 votes! You are amazing, please comment when you like it, it means so much to me! Also, I hate to do this to you now, but all of my writing is going on hold for NaNoWriMo. However, if I see enough interest (i.e. comments), then I may put aside some time to work on Backstage Kisses...

EDIT 03/11/13

Oh, my, goodness!!!!! Over 560 reads and sitting at Short Story #172 and Romance #638!!! You are AMAZING!! ALSO: there is a cover off for this story on my facebook page!! Two amazing covers made by crazy_girl0127 and you have to choose which one you think would be best for this story! The link is in the comments for chapter 1, and on my profile!!!

Now, to get on with the story...


"Hey Bo," Noel's voice breaks through my concentration. I've been doing some more work on our posters in their living room and hadn't noticed Noel come up behind me. I spin my head around just in time to see him sit down beside me on their living room floor, bring his face a foot from mine. He doesn't seem to understand personal boundaries very well, much to my chagrin. At least, that's what I try to tell myself.  


"Angelica wanted me to ask you if you wanted to stay for another night." He says, picking up my pen and twirling it around. He doesn't look me in the eye, and he looks almost...shy? That's new. My stomach flips. Only Noel could make shyness attractive.  

"Umm, I'd have to ask, but I don't think my mom would care." I say slowly, thinking this over. I try to come up with a reason not to, but realize there aren't any. "Let me call her and see." Noel nods, and I pull out my cell phone. 

My mom answers on the second ring. "Hello?" She sounds annoyed.  

I swallow. "Hey mom, I was just wondering if I could stay another night at a friend's house?" I say it like a question, nervous.  

"I don't care, do what you want." She says, and hangs up. My hand shakes a little when I shut my phone off. I look at Noel, whose brow is furrowed inquiringly. 

"She said yes." I try to smile, still shaken by my mom's abruptness. Not like it's anything new.  

Noel smiles at me, with only a trace of sadness and pity. Clearly, he remembers what my mother is like. Wanting to wipe any traces of sadness from his mind, I change the subject and force a smile. "So, what did Angelica have in mind for the day?"  

Noel grins. "Well, she also invited Lindsay over so that they could rehearse lines together this afternoon. I don't know what she was thinking, since you can't do anything with them while they practice. So, you might be stuck with me for a little while." 

Oh goody, looks like those mutant butterflies are back in my stomach again.  

"Uh, what did you have in mind?" I ask, trying not to stutter. I can tell my eyes are really wide, but I can't seem to do anything about it. I swallow nervously.  

"I was thinking that we could take a walk to the park. Other than that, I don't really care." He shrugs. Noel never was good at deciding on what to do; he didn't want to choose something that the other person didn't want to do, and then have them feel like they didn't have a choice. He's sweet like that.  

I shrug, hoping it seem nonchalant. "Sure."  

He smiles at me, his eyes crinkling a little around the corners. "Cool." Suddenly he frowns a little, and he squints, staring at my face. I look at him warily. I have no idea what that look means. He leans a little closer. "Hold still." He says quietly, and then reaches towards me. He puts his finger under my chin, tilting my head up slightly.  

Oh God, he's not going to do what I think he's going to do, is he?! I think frantically to myself. My eyes are wide, staring at him in shock, and I feel like I'm frozen in place. I can't move, though whether I'd move towards him or away, I'm not sure. His face is less than an inch away now, and he's not looking at my eyes. Oh my, is he staring at my lips? Is he-Noel, the guy I"ve had a crush on for years-going to kiss me? 

Suddenly I feel something whisper across my cheek, and I realize that his thumb is stroking across my left cheekbone gently. I shiver slightly at the light caress.  

Then abruptly he's sitting back, grinning triumphantly. He holds up his thumb. "You had a sparkle on your cheek. It was bothering me."  


I clear my throat, praying for the second time today that he won't look down at my lap. That's embarrassing. I really need to learn to control myself.  

I can tell my face is on fire, and I look down at my poster, seeing the sparkles littering the surface. I must have had some on my hand and then touched my face. I try to tamp down my disappointment. 

It's for the best. I tell myself. You know you can't go after him; he's your best friend's brother! Nothing can happen! Nothing will happen! I can't help feeling disappointed about that either.  

Realizing that I should answer, I glance up at Noel in time to see a slight smirk on his face. It quickly dissolves into a look of innocence, however, when he sees me looking at him. 


I clear my throat one more time to make sure that my voice comes out normally. "Thanks." Despite my efforts, it still comes out slightly breathy.  

He nods. "No problem."  

"Umm..." I'm not sure what to say to him now. The silence is heavy between us.  

"There you are!" I sigh in relief, and look up to see Angelica flit into the room. She gracefully folds herself down into a position on the floor with her legs crossed. She grins at me, ignoring her brother. 

"I'm so sorry Handsome, but I invited Lindsay over to rehearse without even thinking." Despite the apology, she's grinning broadly, clearly excited about the prospect of getting another chance to practice with someone who actually knows the lines and understands what the play is about. "Sooooo, can you stay over anyway? Pleeeease?" She flutters her eyelashes at me and pouts, her eyes widening innocently. It would be cute if it weren't so ridiculous. "I promise I'll save some time for you too! We won't practice the whole time, and she'll be gone before you know it!"  

"It's fine!" I say, laughing at her. Yep, acting is definitely a good choice for this one. "And yes, my mom said I could stay over another night."  

"Yay!" She says, throwing her arms around my neck. She pecks me on the cheek before skipping back to her room, giggling. I shake my head. I will never understand girls, and glancing over at Noel's expression, I'm guessing he's thinking the same thing. He meets my eyes. 

"Girls." We both say it at the same time, rolling our eyes.



Thank you for reading the 5th chapter of Backstage Kisses! It means so much that you're taking time to read my stories! I'm sorry that it took so long to update this, and that it's so short, but I haven't had much time to work on it :( 

I hope you liked this chapter, but I'll never know unless you VOTE and COMMENT! 

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Love you guys!

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