Chapter 7

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I know, it's been so long! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to post this, I wanted it to be just right and so I couldn't decide exactly what was going to happen. So I ended up just typing and this is what the final product was. This is not super edited, so forgive me for any mistakes you may find, I will eventually go back and edit this entire story, but I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer!

With that said, here's the next chapter of Bo and Noel's story! (This scene starts where the last chapter left off) Enjoy!


       “Hey Bo!” Noel’s voice startles me out of my thoughts, and I look down at my watch. I’d been sitting out here under the old oak tree for over an hour now. I shiver, realizing that it had gotten colder too. I stand up as he comes closer.

       He’s grinning widely. “Hey.” He says again, once he stops in front of me.

       I raise my eyebrow at him curiously. “Hey.” I say in reply.

       “Lindsay and Angelica are still holed up in her room, giving no indication that they are going to be coming out any time soon, and I was getting bored and you’re out here sitting by yourself and-“ He stops midsentence, realizing that he’s rambling. I smirk at him slightly, finding it cute. I don’t think I’ve ever heard him ramble before. He looks like an excited little kid, his cheeks flushed and his eyes bright, but he seems a little nervous too. “Anyway,” He continues, “I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk to the park now?” He makes it sound almost like a question, and I smile at him.

       “Sure, sounds like fun.” One of the really big things I missed about living here is the park down the street. It’s small, but it’s got a pretty decent sized play structure and a swing set. It also has a bunch of nice benches, a few picnic tables, and some really big trees that provide the perfect place to sit in the summer. I remember when I was staying with Angelica and I would come to the park almost every day to sit under one of the big maple trees with a novel, and I would just lose myself in another world for a few hours.

       We set off down the street, walking close together on the sidewalk. I can feel the heat of Noel’s body radiating through my thin sweater, and wish I had brought a coat. Noel notices me shivering beside him and frowns in concern.

       “Are you cold?” He asks.

       “N-n-no” I say, but my teeth begin to chatter, giving me away. His frown deepens.

       “Why weren’t you wearing a coat?”

       “It wasn’t this c-c-cold out earlier.” I try to say it without my teeth chattering, but can’t quite manage it. I wince, then my eyes widen when I see Noel start to unzip his coat. “Wh-wha-what are you d-d-doing?” I ask in alarm. He steps in front of me, effectively halting my progress on the sidewalk. He frowns disapprovingly and shucks off his coat, draping it around my shoulders with a flourish. I’m suddenly enveloped in his warmth, the inside of his coat is heavy and the heat from Noel’s body still clings to it. Despite the protests on the tip of my tongue, I bite down on my lip and sink into the coats warmth, instinctively inhaling the scent of Noel’s cologne. It smells amazing, like rich spices, fresh air and Noel himself all wrapped up in a warm bundle.

       I’m shocked to feel Noel’s warm hands on my face, and look up into his warm brown eyes to see that he had stepped marginally closer and was once again less than a foot away from my face.

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