Chapter 27

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* Caspar's POV*

Breakfast was....interesting to say the least. I must remember to thank Dylan for his fantastic question and ability to make things awkward. But I think we pulled it off well, only...Marcus and Alfie did look rather suspicious when I fed her some of my pancakes. Why did I have to be so stupid? I just can't seem to control myself around her...I feel like want to be with her all the time, to look at her. After breakfast we made our way to the building where the convention was being held and were lead by a very...interesting woman called Lynn. I was laughing about something with Alfie, when I looked over to Summer, who was scrolling down her phone. I couldn't quite see what she was doing but, the look on her face was painful...she looked broken. A strong feeling a worry fell deep in the pit of my stomach.

"You okay?" I asked quietly, not wanting to draw attention to it. She sniffled lightly and opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it. Her head bobbed slowly up and down, assuring me she was okay. But the glazing over her eyes told me other wise. I reached out my head to take hers, when she suddenly stood up, throwing her phone back on the seat and running off. People's conversations stopped immediately and heads turned her way.

"Is she okay?"

"What happened?"

"Summer wait!" Marcus yelled, standing up. "What the hell did you do?!" he said, looking at me like I'd done something wrong.

"I didn't do anything! She just got upset about something on her ph-" I cut myself off, turning back to the chair and grabbing her phone. I tapped in her password, I knew it since she had asked me to check a text she had received when she was painting her nails. It opened up to her Twitter app on her mentions. I scrolled through, disgusted at what I was reading. Even I was getting upset, so I have no idea how shit Summer must feel right now. I gripped her phone in my hand and headed in the direction she went.

"Okay we need Alfie Deyes, Marcus Butler, Jim Chapman, Jack and Finn Harries and Caspar Lee for the next panel please!" A voice announced. I ignored it and carried on walking. 

"Caspar! They said they needed you!" Louise said as I passed her in the hall.

"Summer needs me more right now!" I said, picking up my pace into a run. I'm sure I heard Louise 'Aww' as I headed round the corner.  My eyes flickered to every inch of the building searching for her, a few people looked a little taken back by my desperation, as they had no idea what was going on, but I didn't care. Summer didn't deserve this. At all. 

"CASPAR?! OH MY GOD IT'S CASPAR LEE!" I heard a girl behind me scream. I spun round on my heels, looking her straight in the eye.

"Not now! Please, just give me a moment. There's something really important I need to do!" I snapped back, a little too harshly. She nodded slowly, eyes wide.

"Sorry...sorry. I'll be back soon." I said, my voice softer. She nodded again, a little less panicked as I took off in the other direction. My feet carried me out to the front of the building, where girls began screaming and taking photos of me, so I ran back inside. 

"Jesus Christ." I muttered under my breath. I carried on looking, inside the building, my heart racing with every step. I didn't want her feeling like crap any longer than she had to. I needed to find her, before she does something stupid. I was getting more and more worried (if that were possible) as I ran frantically around the whole building, looking for her, when I caught a glimpse of blue fabric bundled on the floor. And in the blue fabric, was Summer, curled in a ball, in one of the back rooms all by herself. From the door way, I could hear her small sniffles, she was crying. I stepped slowly and silently into the room, careful not to startle her. 

"Summer?" I whispered. Her head raised from her knees, Her usual striking green eyes, now a clouded colour trapping me in her gaze. Her once bronzed cheeks now stained with black from her make up. Her bottom lip was trembling, making my knees tremble along with her. It hurt to see her like this. After a painful long few seconds of silence, she pulled herself up and ran into my arms, bursting out into sobs once again. 

"Shh, shh, it's okay Summer, it's okay. Let it all out." I spoke softly, stroking her hair with my free hand, the other wrapped tightly around her, keeping her safe.

"They hate me Caspar, they all hate me!" she cried, her voice cracking.

"No. No they don't. I promise you Summer, no one hates you." 

"They do! They've been sending me tweets calling me-"

"I know. I saw." I said, cutting her off, not wanting to hear those horrible words again. "You've got to ignore them. They're jealous fangirls okay? When they see their idol with someone else, it hurts them. They can only imagine themselves with that person, but they don't hate you. I swear." 

"But-" she said, heading turning to look at her. Her eyes looked so sad, a feeling I could tell mine were mirroring. 

"No buts. Even if anyone did hate you, I love you more than enough for everybody." 

"What?!" she said. My heart stopped. Oh shit. I hadn't meant to let that slip.

"Urm, I, urm." I stuttered, trying to cover it. Great job Casp.

"You love me?" she asked, pulling away slightly to get a better look at my face. I debated whether to mask it up or not. The truth is, I really do think I love her. I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

"Yeah." my voice came out crackled. I cleared my throat. "Yeah." it came out stronger this time.

"Summer Butler, I think I'm falling in love with you." An expression registered across her face, one I hadn't seen before. I looked at her a little bit longer, to see her reaction, when she started crying again. Her head buried back into my chest. 

"Well that's not what I was going for...I didn't mean to thrust that upon you Sum. Sorry. I-"

"No! No." she laughed, pulling away. "It's exactly what I wanted to hear. It's just-" she sniffed, wiping away a tear. "It's just, no one's ever said they loved me before. I mean, obviously my family, but no one like you."  

I smiled, silently sighing in relief at her reaction.  I pulled her again into a tighter hug. 

"Come on you. Let's get you back. I'm supposed to be on a panel right now." I said, taking her hand in my, entwining our fingers once again. I turned to face her, dragging my thumb lightly under her eye, clearing away her stray makeup.

"There. Beautiful." I whispered, placing a small kiss to her cheek. We walked hand in hand through the building, not caring who saw us. 

"Caspar! There you are!" Lynn and her bright red hair came running over. "Where on Earth have you been? We need you right now!" she said, grasping my arm and tugging me away from Summer. She followed behind, walking fast into the back stage room. I knew she would be bombarded with questions from everyone when she got there. 

"You don't have to tell them what's wrong if you don't want to." I said, once Lynn's killer grip had released me. She smiled back, silently thanking me.

"Okay Caspar, you're on!" Lynn shouted from the door leading to the panel room. 

"I'll see you in a bit okay?" I said, turning to walk away from Summer, when her small hand grasped my wrist. She pulled me into a hug, before leaning up onto her tip toes.

"Guess what?" she whispered in my ear. She pressed a soft kiss to my jaw, before leaning back up to my ear again. "I think I love you too."


Guess what? I LOVE YOU ALL.

- Jazz - x

Twitter: @handsupforliam

Tumblr: @thefaultinour-styles  (I don't actually use Tumblr tbh :') )


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