Chapter 39

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*Summer's POV*

As much as I tried, I could not stop shaking. Even though I absolutely hated my cousin right now, I was still petrified that something had happened to him. Something bad. Something that my decisions had caused. Marcus had always been the one person, besides Olivia, who had supported me through everything, never judged me and always kept me on the right path. But obviously something on this trip had made him snap. Whether it was the fact I was dating one of his best mates or that I didn't talk to him about it first I'd never know, unless we found him. Zoe's hand ran through my hair as I sat in front of the mirror, picking at my finger nails. Should I text him? Yes of course I should. Or should I let him come back on his own? As much as that idea appealed to me, meaning I wouldn't have to speak to him, I knew I couldn't just leave him. I shuffled slightly, pulling my phone from my pocket.

"You alright?" Zoe asked, her actions in my hair halting.

"Yeah." I nodded. I could tell she knew I was still uneasy about the whole 'missing cousin' thing, but she didn't push for anything and I loved that about her.

To Marcus Butler: Hey. I'm still incredibly pissed off with you, but I need to know where you are. I need to know you're safe. Please, just text or call or anything telling me where you are. If you don't want to speak to me then fine. Just remember to get on the plane at 6pm tomorrow night. 

Do I put a kiss on the end like usual? No. He needs to realise that I am truly angry at him. 

"He'll be okay Sum." Zoe whispered, her arms wrapping around my shoulders from behind. Her head rested on the top of my shoulder, mid-hug, as she looked at me in the mirror. 

"I know. But I might not be."


* Caspar's POV*

"I guess that means we should go get ready." Alfie spoke as the girl's door slammed shut in our face. I nodded, a breath of laughter escaping my lips. As clingy as it sounded, the distance between me and Summer right now felt huge, even though she was just behind the door. We turned simultaneously, repeated the same actions to the elevator and down we had now grown accustomed to whilst on this trip. Alfie and I chatted about random things as we walked towards what was our room, but is now Alfie and Marcus'. Alfie slipped the key into the key hole, the door opening as his booming laugh came to a halt. We both stopped dead in the doorway, my whole body freezing. Shit. I knew this was going to happen soon but I wasn't expecting it tonight. Marcus. He was sat on the bed closest to the door, his head snapping up as it opened. Next to him was an almost empty bottle of whiskey. So that's what's had him so preoccupied. 

"Marcus?" Alfie whispered. His eyes never left mine as he shakily stood up from the bed. His hair was a mess, the ring around his eyes as dark as the pupil inside.

"You." his gravely voice spoke. "You had to do it, didn't you? You had to go and fuck up my family." 

I stepped back as he inched closer.

"I-I-I didn't-" I stuttered.

"You come here, take my little cousin away from me and her family whilst she should have been protecting her sister from her asshole of a boyfriend. The boyfriend who took my girl. And then you have the nerve to move my stuff out? No." his voice was a dark hush, tension filling the room faster than lightning. 

"Marcus, stop." Alfie spoke boldy.

"Oh look. You've also taken my best friend. Anything else you want to take, huh?" his head cocked to the side as his eyes burned into mine. 

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