Blood Sport

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Bucky (the winter soldier) is given the mission to kill Nick Fury, again.

"Mission Report."
The words echoed through the walls bouncing off of plaster and metal. Elaborate devices layed out, computer monitors with depictions of heart beats and brain scans. But there in what might be called a chair, a man with bushes of long brown hair and blue eyes now gray. His voice so cracked and broken when he spoke.

"Target, level 8, was present in vehicle, then was inverted when I was able to make a shot. Then I proceeded to approach the vehicle, but the subject was not present."
His eyes traveled down, unwilling to focus on the man in front of him. Pierce.

"Ah, So you failed." Pierce stated. Bucky's eyes still unable to look at the man in front of him, as his body tensed and awaited whatever torment would follow. There was a long pause of silence before Alexander spoke again, "I'll be back for reassignment. " Then he stood back and turned to the group of shield agents,"I want all eyes on shield facilities, hears on all audio from any video out there, and any place he might have gone for sanctuary or anyone he would go to now." Then he stood their and walked out of the building.

James still sat in the "chair", eyes glazing the room, two men sat at computers while four guards spread across the room. He stayed quiet, everything around went into a blur, his hearing seemed to be sucked in. Then he faintly heard glass break, screams, screaming blasted his ears, he moaned in pain and his head jerked back.

His vision restored only for him to see the guards and workers starring back at him with confusion and fear. As if he could snap at any time. His cybernetic fingers moved slowly, his eyes glued on the two guards by the exit, he feels lost. He doesn't realize he'd been starting to drift off until he started hearing commotion. "Alert Pierce on this now." An agent barked through a com.
                      ●    ●    ●

Bucky's mind now aware as Alexander Pierce walked through the door, an agent came to his side to inform him but the man just waved him away. Pierce stood in front of James then handed him a file,"Alright, you're being sent to eliminate the same target but you will have no back up this time, you're on your own. Oh and this time I want confirmed death."

"Shouldn't be a problem", the soldier attempted to smile but then pretended he hadn't. Pierce then walked out of the building and the agents followed.

Bucky had moved from his seat to prepare for his mission. He took what he needed, he knew exactly what he wanted a special type of bullet. Bullets that would be completely untraceable once fired into flesh. He packed any necessary weapons that he would need on any other mission, just in case. Because he was alone. Bucky opened the file, inside was the address, and the exact area where the room was the apartment complex. It even included a picture. This would be easy.

The soldier now perched in front of an open window, with a gun held to a neighboring window across from his face. Gun held close, and finger on the trigger his eye gently looks through his scope as he aims. He's angled perfectly so when his target stands up, all he has to do is move his gun three inches to the left and he'll have a clean shot.

Suddenly a near by window opens, it's from the room next to the window his gun pointed at. He starred at it curiously, he was hidden the shadows except for his metal arm. A man, with blond hair stepped out and made it to the window right next to him, and opened it and slipped in.

He was puzzled by how easy this man did this. How easily he could've fallen, or how the window could've been locked.
But he had a mission to do and he can not be distracted, will not.
The cool night air blew on his face, his eyes glued on the window, a light went on but then off again.
His eyes took a moment to refocus on the new darkness, when his eyes did he saw what he's been waiting for this whole time.
Nick Fury.
James positions his gun to his left side. He pulled the trigger. He always seems to never hesitate, always able to fire. Why can't he hesitate. He's sure some part of him screams for him to stop, but he never hears it.
Again he fired, and agian.
He saw Nick hit the floor, then the man from earlier dragged him along. Soon enough a third figure entered his view, that's when he made his escape.

The winter soldier swiftly turns a corner in the office building he's in, he moves up stairs to the upper floors. Faintly he hears glass break, he runs faster he looks down in a break on the building. He sees the blond man running down the hall, breaking doors. Bucky soon nears the edge of the building and jumps to the roof of another building he starts running again we he hears glass break, agian. Then a swift sound of flying metal, Bucky stops and turns, he catches the round disk of metal with his glistening silver metal arm, a shield. He made eye contact with the man, black paint around his eyes help him disguse his actual features. The sound of metal hitting metal still ringing in his ears, the sound so familiar but so irrelevant since his mind only focused on one thought. He threw the shield back to the man. James then jumped of the building. He landed with a roll of his body, then he vanished into the night. Only one thought on his mind.
He succeeded, he completed his mission.

Hey guys, Bucky chapter, anyways I updated earlier than I usually do because that was a horrible beginning to leave you guys at so next chapter will be Romanogers so prepare. Bye and thanks for reading.

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