07|| hanging with the club

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I went to bed and slept away the day that I had endured. I enjoyed sleeping, who doesn't?

And now, my alarm is ringing constantly.

I sigh and get up.

Another day, another tortures day.

"Good morning young mistress. How was your sleep?" I scream and slightly jump. I don't think I will ever get use to maids in the morning.

"Oh umm, it was fine. You can leave now" I tell them, straightening my blanket across my lap

"Alright young mistress, if you need anything, just call." They tell me in their own monotone voice. All I do is nod.

Good lord, they freak me out.

I sigh and crawl out of bed, going over to my dresser getting out my black skirt, white shirt, and hikaru's Ouran blazer.

I go to the mirror and throw my hair but into a messy bun. I also put on some eyeliner and a bit of mascara. I never was one for a lot of makeup.

I hear two pairs of footsteps walk by my door and I immediately know it's hikaru and Kaoru. I roll my eyes and walk over and open my bedroom door, seeing them turn the corner towards the stairwell.

With a heavy sigh, I also walk towards the stairwell. When I get there, Hikaru glares at me, as if thinking I am trying to follow him. I roll my eyes and go to the kitchen.

When we get there, I see a pile of amazing food laid out in front of me. From pancakes, to waffles, to different assortments of fruits and somewhat vegetables. All stacked high on the table.

"This looks physically impossible to stand that high..." I whisper to myself.

"Yeah, you may think that, but our servants do nothing less of expectations" Hikaru tells me, his nose up in the air with a smug look on his face.

"Expectations.... okay then... asshole" I mumble the last part under my breath, but I see kaoru smile so I bet he heard it.

I quietly sit down on my chair far away from the boys. There is sorta an awkward silence between us, but nothing stopping me from grab a shit load of fruits and putting them on my waffles, along with a ton of whipped cream piled on top of it all.

"No wonder no boys want you..." I hear Hikaru rudely mumble under his breath from across the table.

I feel my appetite go down the drain, so I push the food aside and grab a pear. With a heavy sigh, u grab my board and walk out of the house.

What a waste of good food... and Hikaru and waste of good oxygen.

I throw my board down before I jump on it and start riding to school.

On my way there, I see many limousines driving there way to school. And man of then roll den their windows and smile or smirk my way. I also chat with a quite a few joggers until they then turn a corner and u have to go in silence.

When I see the school come into view, I also see a pair of snobby assholes with auburn hair walk out of a limousine together


I glide in front of them when they're about to enter, just to get on their nerves

I hear an annoying sigh from behind me, with a smirk I continue going through the corridor.

I made a print out of the school in the library yesterday, I also labeled where I have to go, including gym, the cafeteria... and the host club.

I smile. They were nice to me... or at least as nice as they probably thought they should be. After all I am the sister of one of the schools richest children.

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