The Talk

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Addy was scared but she decided to talk to Jensen. She chose option 4. She was going to talk to him today.
"Okay, okay. You can do this. You got this.  Jensen is an understanding person, he'll give a straight forward answer." Addy was prepping herself.
"I got this. I got this. I got this!" Addy was ready.
She left to Jensen's house. Her parents weren't home, so she just texted her mom telling her she was going to hang with Jack.
                         ~Time skip~
She had arrived to Jensen's around half an hour later. She went to knock on the door, but she stopped. She was having second thoughts.
"What if he responds badly? What if he starts to hate me? What if he doesn't care about me in that way at all?" Addy thought to herself.
"Stop with these 'what ifs', you got this." And Addy knocked. 
"Who's there?" Jensen asked from behind the door.
"It's me! Addy!" Addy replied. 
Jensen let her in instantly.
"Get in now!" Jensen said aggressively, "Who knows you're here?"
"Uh..." Addy was at a loss of words. Why was he so mad?, "No one I swear!"
"Good." Jensen was definitely pissed.
"What's wrong?" Addy asked.
"Danneel." Was his only response.
"What's going on?" Addy asked, concerned.
"She's crazy, that's what. Forget it. What's up?" Jensen finally asked.
"Well uh... I uh... wanna uh..." Addy took a breath, "I wanna talk to you about something important."
"Okay... Go on." Jensen said.
"Okay so, uh, I know that when we kissed I felt something, but did you? I mean I know the age difference is a lot and everything, but could you get over that? The kisses we shared made me feel at least a little something, I'd like to know how you felt." Addy blurted out.
"Oh, wow, I uh... I wasn't expecting that." Jensen rubbed the back of his neck, "The age difference is a lot, but I mean, I know I felt something, I know I feel something for you... I just don't know right now. I mean I love you. I know that... But I don't know how right now... You know?"
"No I really don't." Addy said, very seriously.
"Addy, listen. I love you, but I'm so close to Jared, you know? I'd feel like I was disrespecting him. You know?" Jensen said.
Addy let out a breath, "Yeah I think I know what you mean, but Jensen?"
"What is it?" Jensen replied.
"What do you mean you 'love me'? I know you said you don't know right now, but I think you do." Addy said.
"I do know... I love you. I'm in love with you. That's how I love you." Jensen replied.
"So why does it matter what my dad thinks? If we're in love with each other shouldn't we be with each other? I mean correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's how it works." Addy said.
"It matters what he thinks because he's like my brother. We should be together. But your dad and me are so close, Addy. So close. I love you so much. I want to be with you, trust me." Jensen said.
"Then prove it." Addy said, she didn't know what she meant or what she expected, but she wasn't disappointed with the outcome.
Jensen kissed her. He kissed her hard and passionately. It was full of love. They definitely loved each other, but they couldn't express it publicly. The age thing, and the dad thing. It sucked, but that's life.
"Can we just... Be together... Secretly?" Jensen suggested.
"Hell yes." Addy said.
"I love you." Jensen said, and he meant     it.
"I love you too." Addy replied, and she most definitely meant it.

Instagram: addymankin_

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