JELENA - First day

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-Selenas POV-

I walked through the hallways with my best friend Taylor. We were trying to find principals office so we could get our rooms. This college is huge. We had only five minutes left before class. Someone came behind us shouting "Get out of my way" We didn't care and we just kept walking. That boy who shouted ran front of us and stopped us. That boy was Justin. Justin Bieber. I heard he was very popular in this school.

-Justins POV-

I stopped those girls. "Why didn't you move" i said. "I don't have to move for you" That girl named Selena said. I was shocked. Anyone in this school has never said that to me. Never. She was really pretty. Her hair was long and curly. She is amaizing. Honestly i've never seen anyone as pretty as she is. But i had to play cool. "I think you dont undrestand. I'm king of this school. You do what ever i say." i said. I kinda regret it but everybody were watching so I had to say it.

-Selenas POV-

Really? King of the school? Yeah i don't think so. School bells were ringing. "Well, you can say what ever you want but you're not the boss of me. We have class now so if you excuse us. Bye" i said and walked away.

-Taylors POV-

That was a huge drama. But Selena played it cool. I just standed there. I didn't say anything. I was just watching.

-Justins POV-

Wow. She is really agressive. I kinda like it.. So, i walked to the class. It was Geography class. So boring. This was the first day of this semester. Teacher told me to sit in front of the class, just like i usually do. And that girl, Selena was at my class and she had to sit next to me. This is the first time i really like to be in class. Thanks Mrs. Swandy. I said "Hi" to her but she didn't answer. She just looked at me madly. Whats wrong with her? I mean, everybody likes me. So teacher asked us whats capital of Norway. Like anyone knows that? Okay so this is the weird part. Selena actually raised her hand and answered correctly. Wow, pretty and smart.

-Selenas POV-

I cant belive i'm in the same class as Justin! And I'm sitting next to him! Thanks a lot teacher.. Anyway, i'm shocked that anyone else didn't know capital of Norway. How dumb are these people? Justin said "hi" to me but i didn't answer. He thinks he's the boss of me, but he's not. I'd love to sit next to someone else. Like, anyone else but him. Taylor is sitting next to Harry. There is also Harry's brother, Niall and their friend Zayn. These are those boys i know. Plus of course Thinks He Is A King Of The World Justin.

-Justins POV-

So teacher said that we had to do a pair project. She dedicated pairs and it was basically the one who sits next to you. Yeah. And Selena is sitting next to me so thats good. I dont really care about school, so its good thing that Selena is smart. Project was about states of America I guess. I really didn't listen. We have to do it at geography and english class. I don't really know how geography and english can be at the same project but i dont really care either.

-Selenas POV-

Ugh. I cant belive that i'm doing my pair project with Thinks He Is A King Of The World Justin. Yep. That is my nickname for him. Not because i like him, i dont. Its because its true.

-Taylors POV-

So i was paired with Harry. He seems nice. I'm kinda sorry for Justin lol. He likes Selena. But he's going down with his dream. Selena doesn't like him.



My name is Emma⭐️
Ily xx❤️

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