JELENA - Explaining

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OKAY first of all, I'm sorry I haven't updated my story for awhile but I've been so busy with school and everything but I'm trying to write more often. Thank you so much for reding, I really appreciate it. I love you guys💕

Selenas POV

"What was that?" Demi asked me. "I.." Taylor interrupted me "Why didn't you tell us" She said. "Because I know you don't like Justin." I answered. It's true. They don't like Justin, idk why but they just don't. "Well, you're right, we don't." Demi said. "We thought you'd never fall in love with him, I mean, you hated him" She continued. "I know, but why don't you like him." I asked.  "Because he's a cheater." Taylor whispered. "What? No he's not!" I sighed. "Trust me, those kind of guys are." Ariana suddenly joined the conversation. "We are just trying to save you from being heartbroken." Taylor said. I know they didn't want to hurt my feelings but they can't know for sure, can they? I said I'm tired and I went to sleep.

-At the morning-

Someone knocked the door. Why does this happen so often? Okay, so I opened the door and guess what, it was Justin. I kinda knew it. Usually when someone knocks the door, it's him. "Hey." I say. "Hey, wanna go eat breakfast?" He asked. "Sure, let's go." I answered and we left downstairs.

Taylors POV

I woke up and I realized that Selena wasn't sleeping anymore. I walked to the livingroom/kitchen and she wasn't there either. I went to the hallway and knocked the boys room. Harry opened the door. Harry, the supercute guy with supercute smile. He was also my partner earlier this year when we had to do a pair project. "Hey" He said. "Hey" I looked at his eyes. His eyes were amaizing. So shiny and cute. "Is Justin here..?" I continued. "No, he left about ten minutes ago to eat breakfast." Harry answered my question. "Okay, thanks anyway." I said and he closed the door. I decided to go to cafeteria because Justin eats always there, and if Selena is with him, then she is there too.
Okay, this was short I know, but I hope you like it. I'll try to update more often. I love you guys. Thank you so much for reading, it means a lot to me. xx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2016 ⏰

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