JELENA - Singing

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-Selenas POV-

I was first one who woke up. I took my songbook and my guitar. And yes, I write songs and I sing. But its not a big deal. Only one person has heard me singing, Taylor. She sings too. So I opened my songbook and i started playing and singing.
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else.
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn't good enough
But who are you to judge
When you're a diamond in the rough
I'm sure you got some things
You'd like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn't want to be anybody else..
Demi came to me. "Hey, Thats a nice song, how does it continue?" She said. "i haven't finished it yet, nobody hasn't ever heard me singing. Well Taylor has, but nobody else hasn't." I answered. Demi said that she sings too but she doesn't have any songs.

(One hour later)

Ugh. We have English. I usually like it, but now I have to do pair project with Thinks He Is A King Of The World Justin. Yep, i still use that nickname. This is so stupid. I mean I have to do it with him, I wanted to be with Tay, but no. I just have to calm down. I can do it.

-Justins POV-

We walked to the class, and we started doing our project. I just looked at her. She was so pretty. "Well, are you gonna help or not?" She asked. Then I was there again. "What are we doing?" I asked. I tought she wouldn't be mad at me but.. "So you are just sitting there and watching me when I'm doing our project alone!?" And there it is. "Pretty much yeah" but then i just noticed what I've said. "Teacher, can I do this project with someone else, please?" She asked. "No! I-I umm I'll do it with you.." I said, even i had no idea what we were doing.

(After all the classes)

-Selenas POV-

We went to eat. All together. Me, Taylor, Demi, Miley and Gigi. We talked about 10 minutes and then Principal Ruff came to us. "Girls, i have something to say." He said. "What?" Demi asked. "You can't all be at the same room now." I asked whats going on. Mr. Ruff said that some girls named Jasmine and Elise are leaving this school and principals niece is coming to this school. Those girls who are leaving were apparently next to us so now that room is free. He said that his niece is going to be in that room, so two of us has to go there with her. We dicided that Gigi and Miley are going. "Thank you girls" Mr. Ruff said and walked away.


-Taylors POV-

We went to our room. Justin was standing at the hallway, again. "Hey, Selena" He said But quickly corrected "Girls" When Selena was looking at him. Selena didn't answer. "Hey are some of you in room 578?" Someone behind us asked. We turned. "Hi, my name is Ariana." She waved. "Hi, I'm Miley and this is Gigi. We'll be your roommates." Miley said. They went to their room and we went to ours.

8 PM

-Selenas POV-

Everyone else are eating while i'm trying to write my song. I'll try to sing chorus.
Who says
Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful
Who says..
Someone knocked the door. "Its open!" i shouted.

-Justins POV-

I heard Selena singing. She has such a beautiful voice. I knocked the door and when she shouted its open, i walked in. "Justin, what are you doing here?" She said and quickly hidded her guitar. "I heard you singing, you're good." She didn't say anything for 10 seconds. Then she said thank you. I was surprised. First time she didn't get mad to me. I asked is it her own song and she said yes. Her song was ready. I wanted her to sing it to me. "No way, i'm not going to sing it to you!" She said. I took the guitar and started playing it. I played it awhile and then she started to sing.
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else.
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn't good enough

But who are you to judge
When you're a diamond in the rough

I'm sure you got some things
You'd like to change about yourself

But when it comes to me
I wouldn't want to be anybody else

Na na na
Na na na
Na na na
Na na na

I'm no beauty queen
I'm just beautiful me

Na na na
Na na na
You've got every right
To a beautiful life

Who says
Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful
Who says
It's such a funny thing
How nothing's funny when it's you
You tell 'em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It's like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won't let you touch the sky
Na na na
Na na na
Na na na
Na na na
I'm no beauty queen
I'm just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You've got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you're not perfect
Who says you're not worth it
Who says you're the only one that's hurting
Trust me
That's the price of beauty
Who says you're not pretty
Who says you're not beautiful
Who says
Who says
Who says you're not star potential
Who says you're not presidential
Who says you can't be in movies
Listen to me, listen to me
Who says you don't pass the test
Who says you can't be the best
Who said, who said
Would you tell me who said that
Yeah, oh
Who says..
I hope you enjoyed!

Love you xx💜

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