JELENA - Secret date

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-Selenas POV-

(Next Morning)

Someone knocks the door. I know it's Justin. "Taylor, can you please get the door?!" I shout from my bed. "Sure." She answers.

-Taylors POV-

I opened the door. Of course it was Justin. "What?" I asked. He asked if Selena was there (again). "Umm.. Just a second." I said. I quickly walked to the bedroom. "Justin wants to speak to you." I said to Selena. Demi turned around. "again?" She asked. "Yes.." I answered "Umm, hello?!" Justin shouts. None of us answered. "Okay, I'll just go then" He said. "No, wait!" Selena shouted and ran out of the bedroom. "I thought she didn't want to talk to Justin" Demi said.

-Justins POV-

I turned around when i heard Selena. "You wanted to talk to me?" She said. "Yeah, about yester.." She didn't let me finish, she pulled me out to the hallway and closed the door. "Why?" I asked confused. "Because I don't want Demi and Taylor to hear anything" She said. I asked why and she said they think she doesn't like me. I said I understand. "So why did you ran away yesterday?" I asked her. "Yeah, listen, I'm really sorry about that, I just, I.." She stopped talking when Taylor and Demi opened the door. She act like she didn't even notice them. "I don't have to explain everything to you, just figure it out by yourself!" She shouted. Then she turned around and walked in to their room and closed the door. I don't know what happened but I know she is not angry at me. I guess. I hope.


I was getting worried about Selena because I haven't seen her since the morning. I decided to call her instead of visiting at her door again.

*Phone call*

Selena: Hey.

Justin: Hey Sel.

Selena: Why did you call me?

Justin: Well it's getting late and I haven't seen you since the morning.

Selena: Yeah, listen I'm not mad at you, Okay.

Justin: Yeah, I know.

Selena: Good.

Justin: So do you want to go somewhere?

Selena: Why would I? *says sarcastically*

Justin: Oh come on, I know you do.

Selena: Really?

Justin: Don't play with me.

Selena: Fine. I'll see you in ten. *laughs*

Justin: Great, bye.

Selena: Bye.

*end of the phone call*

Selenas POV

"Where are you going?" Taylor asked me while I was getting dressed. I forgot that they don't know about me and Justin. "Umm, I just.. Need some fresh air." I said trying to convince her. "We can go with you." Demi said happily. "No, I really need some time alone.." I tried. I'm not sure do they believe me. "Okay well, see you soon." Demi said. "Bye!" i shouted when I walked out of the room. I saw Justin and first thing he said was "Why are you late?" Really? I'm one minute late. "Taylor and Demi tried to come with me so I needed to convince them that I need some alone time, but I don't know do they belive me and yeah." I explained to him really fast. "It's okay." He said and I calmed down.

(20 minutes later)

Justins POV

We were sitting on the ground at the schoolyard, talking and eating. It was late. The sky was really beautiful, just like Selena. I starred at her eyes and leaned in. Our lips touched at the middle. The kiss was magical.

Demis POV

Someone knocked the door. I opened and it was Ariana. She lives next to us, alone. (if you don't remember) "Hey, can I come in?" She asked. "Sure" I said and she stepped in. "Where's Selena?" Ariana asked. I walked to the window. "She said she needed some alone time" Taylor explained. "Yeah, alone time." I said and pointed to the schoolyard through the window. Taylor and Ariana came to look, and guess what we saw. Selena kissing Justin. "Is that.. Selena?" Ariana said sounding confused. "Well she looks just like Selena, so yes, it is" I answered.

(10 minutes later)

Selenas POV

We walked back in to the school and turned left to the hallway. We saw Demi, Taylor and Ariana standing on the hallway in front of us. "Oh.. Hey guys" I said. "Well well, I thought you supposed to go alone." Taylor said sounding little angry. "Yeah, I.. I was alone and then.." I got interrupted by Justin "..Then I saw her in the schoolyard and she was heading back to the school so I walked with her." He helped. "Shut up, we saw you two kissing!" Demi said. I didn't see that coming.. "What?" I asked. "Oh Don't try, we saw what we saw." Demi said. "Justin, I thought we had something special" Ariana suddenly says. I turn to Justin. "What!? I have never seen you in my life and I don't know who you are!" He replies. "Yeah I know" Ariana says and giggles. "Come on Selena, we have to talk" Taylor said and pulled me to our room. "Okay, bye then" Justin said. "Bye." I answered just before they closed the door.


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