JELENA - Secrets

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- Selenas POV -

(6 months later)

*Someone knocks the door*
"It's open!" i shout. It was some quy named John. He asked about Gigi and Miley. We said that they live in the next door. He left and knocked their door. We heard some of their conversation.

Gigi: What happened!?
Miley: Is she okay?
John: Hopefully she will be.
Gigi: We have to go there!
John: You can't leave school.
Miley: Its almost summer break, we can leave and catch up others later.
John: I'm sorry but you can't..
Gigi: We are not asking you permission. We are going.
Jonh: Fine, you have one hour.

We quickly closed the door. Apparently Miley and Gigi are going home. We don't know what happened but I'm sure we'll find out later.

(One hour later, Gigi and Miley left)

Someone knocked the door again.

- Justins POV-

Taylor opened the door. She looked little confused. "Hey" She said. I said hey and asked is Selena there. Taylor didn't answer but then Demi came and said that I have to wait few minutes and then she closed the door. I waited about five minutes and then Selena opened the door, came to the hallway and closed the door behind. "What do you want?" She said and sounded little frustrated. (I have been asking her to do stuff for me lately..) I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure how to say it. "Well? I'm going back now." She turned around and I said no. She turned around again and asked what I wanted to say. "Will you go out with me?" I asked. First she didn't answer but then she looked at me and said "Go to cafeteria tomorrow at 8pm. If I'm there, it's a date. If I'm not, don't ask again." Then she went to her room and closed the door.

- Selenas POV-

"What did he want?" Taylor asked. "He just, umm...nothing." I answered and walked away. I don't know what I'm going to do. I never thought I'd go out with Justin. I really have to think about this.

- Demis POV-

Selena was really weird. "Do you think Selena even talked to him?" Taylor asked. "Not sure. It can't be anything special." I answered. "Yeah, I mean it's not like he asked her out or anything" Taylor said. We both stopped there. Then we realized: He asked her out! "Are you sure" Taylor said. I said I'm not sure because Selena has never liked Justin and he knows it. He wouldn't ask her, he knows that Selena doesn't like him.

(Next day at 7.55 pm)

- Justins POV-

Okay, now it's time. I walked through the hallways and stopped just before cafeteria. I was really nervous. I walked in and looked around. Selena wasn't there. I was disappointed. I went to one of the tables. Then I hear someone walking behind me. "Hey" She said. I turned around, it was Selena. "Hey, I thought you wouldn't come." I said to her. She said she isn't sure about this and I said that I promise we'll have a good time. We decided to go eat somewhere else.

(Selena and Justin are at the pizza place)

"So, how did you decide to go out with me?" I asked her. "I don't know, I just felt like I had to do it." She answered. We talked and laughed a lot. It was fun. 

(1 hour later, Justin and Selena are walking back to the school)

"You were right, it was kinda fun." She said. "Told you" I answered. We stopped walking and we both stared at each other's eyes. Then we kissed.

- Selenas POV-

Omg i just kissed Justin!? I said I have to go and then I ran away.


Okay, thanks for reading😘 I hope you liked it. Okay bye xx

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