JELENA - Meeting My Roommates

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-Selenas POV-

Yesterday wasn't as good as I tought it'd be. After all the classes we went to the principal's office. We got our room. Its at the third floor, number 579. We aren't alone. We have one roommate, she's name is Demi. She's not here yet, she is coming about an hour. Okay so we opened the door and we saw one big room. It was living room. There was tv and one long couch. There was also small kitchen but there's only mini fridge and microwave so i guess we have to eat at the cafeteria like everyone else. We have only one bedroom, but its okay. Its pretty big. I wanted to sleep at the middle. I wonder who's next to our room. All I know is that there is 2-4 people.

-Demis POV-

I walked to my room. I don't know anything else exept that i have two rommates. I opened door 579 and i saw two girls. "Hi, I'm Demi Lovato" i said. "Nice to meet you Demi. I'm Selena. Selena Gomez. This is my friend Taylor Swift." She said. we talked like 15 minutes so we get to know eachother.

-Selenas POV-

Demi is nice. We talked a lot. "I'm gonna get us something to eat from the cafeteria" i said and walked out of the room and i noticed that door in front of me opened. It was Justin. Now this is getting stupid. "Hey" he said. "Hey.." i answered.

-Justins POV-

Yes! Selena is in the room number 579 and I'm in the room 580! My roommates are Joe and Nick Jonas. In room 581 there is Harry, Niall and Zayn. Anyway i asked "Where are you going?" and she answered. "Why you care?" Then she left. I'm starting to think that she doesn't like me..

-Gigis POV-

I was late. I was so late. I saw principal at the cafeteria. I walked to him. "Hi, I'm so sorry I'm late. My name is Gigi Hadid. And i need to get a room." I said. "Gigi Hadid... You are half an hour late. I'm sorry to tell you but all rooms are taken." He said to me. "But i have to get room so i can.." Some girl stopped me. "Principal Ruff, if all rooms are taken, Gigi could be with us, if its okay?" She said. I had no idea who she was but i already liked her. Principal was thinking few seconds and said "I guess its okay. Someone will be there later tonight to bring you a bed." I was so happy! "Thank you Mr. Ruff. But how about my sister." I asked. "Well she is not here." Mr. Ruff said. "She has to be with her dad. She is coming later." I answered. "Fine, if she comes today before 8 PM, she'll be with you guys. And if she's not here at eight or earlier, she'll have to leave." He said. "She will be here!" Principal left. "Thank you so much" I said to that girl. "No problem, I'm Selena." She said to me. We walked to our room and i found out that I have three roommates and my sister. I also know their names now. And i know there is lots of guys next to us. Selena asked me, why i'm not with my dad. We dont have same dad so i don't have to. I just explained it to her and she said okay. We were at the third floor. There was some guy sitting on the floor. When he saw us he quickly jumped up and said "Hi Selena" "Justin, why are you always saying hi to me?" Selena asked. I feel like Selena doesn't really like him. "so i cant be nice?" That guy, named Justin said. "Oh i've heard that you're never nice with anyone. So don't try to be nice to me when you know you can't" Selena said and opened door. "Who said that?" Justin asked. "Umm, Basically everyone who aren't here for the first time." Selena said and went to the room. Wow. This is going to be a long year.

-Taylors POV-

Okay, Justin will be so in trouble with Selena. So now i have met everyone but Miley, Gigis half sister. She'll come later tonight. Our room is going to be the biggest room of this college. Pretty cool.



(next time Miley has arrived and they all know eachother now so i won't write about it)

I love you all xx💚


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