JELENA - Is it love?

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-Selenas POV-

I cant belive it. I actually singed it to him. "Thats a nice song" He said. "Yeah.." I answered. Someone opened the door. It was Taylor and Demi. I quickly hidded my guitar and standed up. "What are you doing here Justin?" Demi asked. "He came in I tried to make him leave but he just sits here and doesn't move!" I said. "What, but you.." He didn't get to finish his sentence because I pulled him up and pushed him out of the room. "Good bye" I said and closed the door. "Wow, he really likes you" Demi said. "Yeah but I don't like him, I really don't." I said.
We ate something and then we went to sleep.

Saturday morning.

YES! I'ts weekend. So yesterday we had to finish our projects. I basically did it all by myself because Justin was just starring at me all the time. Now I started to belive that he has a crush on me..
But why? I mean he is popular and I'm not. So we went to the cafe with Taylor and we ate cookies and talked. And guess who came to us, Justin. I don't call him Thinks He Is The King Of The World Justin anymore. Not because i like him, no. It's because he's not like that anymore. "Hey what are you doing?" He asked. "Nothing, just sitting" I said. He said cool and went with his friends to the other table.
This was really short but I didn't have any ideas so yeah. Thanks for reading💜


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