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I walk straight to Starbucks where I find Lilia already sitting there.

I smile at her before grabbing a cup of coffe and sit next to her.

- Good morning birthday girl

- Good morning Lilia. Long time no see

- I was worried about you. You don't show up in school for how long ? A month?

- Yeah I have a lot of things going on

- wanna talk about it ?

- Not on my Birthday. I smile

- Right. She smiles What's your plans for tonight ?

- A suprise party ? My best friend, I mean Rebecca is organising it for me

- Rebecca Frelly ? You still friends ?

- Yeah ( looking at my phone ) Talking about her, I just got a text from her

- What are you doing BDGirl ?

- Having a girly time with Lilia. I kinda changed you for a day :)

- Touché

I laugh alone before stop texting and put my phone back at my pocket

- Shopping ? Lilia said

- Sure.


At the mall

- We have to go to target. They have a lot of Good clothes

- I need ... hum... some... girly clothes ? I mean dresses and stuff You know

- Yeah okay. You really need them Lilia laugh and I join her Do you have a dress for tonight ?

- No. I need one. And heals

- Got you. She points to a beautiful nude dress with a back totally exposed. The dress isn't long. I think it ends at my knees

It's totally drangerous ? But I gotta take the risk

For Joe. Conscience say

Oh go love yourself

I decide to take it and Lilia shows me nude heals totally perfect with the dress.

Once we finish the outfit of tonight, I'm free to choose what I want to buy for other days.

In my closet, I only have nike pairs and adidas, and these tongs I'm wearing. So I take another pair of tongs, black heals that I don't think I would use, three pairs of Ripped jeans, one of them is ripped at the level of my knees, and four crop top.

I think it's all I need.

Lilia paid for my dress as a birthday gift and I think I've thanked her the entire road to McDonalds.

- You should come to the " suprise " party. It could be fun

- Yeah sure. If you want to

- Of course I want. I invited you

- Okay so you'll text me the address

- Thank you for....

- Oh come on. I start regretting buying it for you she laughs and I join her

- I want to thank you for everything this moorning. I had a really great time with you

- I had a nice time too. I've missed you

- Me too. I want to show you a boy that I like tonight at the party. I live with him now

- Oh It's getting hot. I laugh

- I have to go get ready. See you tonight Lilia

- Okay. Later

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