The Half-Bloods

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Artemis woke up with a nightmare in his head. "Artemis?" he heard a voice calling. It was soft but a male's. His blurry vision only made out two green eyes and black hair. "Wake up!" It echoed annoyingly. Until, Artemis was shook and he jumped back to reality.

"ARTEMIS!" Myles screamed. He was flopping a Science book in his face.

"What?" Artemis moaned. Then he froze. What? When would he use a word like that?

"Beckette ripped my book!" The little brother started crying and shouting at Artemis, asking Beckette to move away from his lab.

"But, I am not in his lab!" Beckette roared, climbing up the lab stairs. Artemis threw his head in his hands. When will they ever be quiet?

The door bell rang and Artemis stood up, slowly. Sighing, he walked to the huge door. For some reason, he felt his heart beat faster when he grabbed the knob. Then, he swung it open as slow as he could. He saw an older man stood with a giant box. "This package is for Master Jackson," he said and dunked the box in the doorway. Artemis picked it up and was about to complain that there was no Master Jackson, but he'd already gone as if vanished. It read, Master Jackson, From your Father. Well, it didn't say where he lived, which was a bit weird. And you know what Artemis would do next, wouldn't you? Of course, he was going to open it....

He lifted the box lid open. For some reason, his heart wouldn't stop pounding. Nothing was wrong. And no one was in the room with him. Before he opened the box fully, he moved out of the door way incase someone was watching. He sat at the dining room table where the sun shone happily through the window and it was quiet and warm. Artemis continued lifting the lid open until he saw what was inside. First, he saw only small comforting things. It must've been fragile. He stuck his hand into the lucky dip and reached to find a small phone. It was a clam shell phone, but it had a detailed tinge to it that made Artemis shiver. On the front was a trident and the whole phone was green.

He placed it on the table and fished a letter out the box. It read in curly writing:

Dear Percy Jackson,

Use this phone as a gift for saving my brothers weapon. He doesn't mean to be mean and says sorry. Well, lets just say he forgives you. Use this weapon for attacking from far. The arrows may be found in the box with it. Just remember, what happens with Riptide? It works with the arrows too! You may call your new weapon 'Crystal Aim' if you want.

Yours Sincerely,


There was nothing more than that one paragraph. No kisses or hearts. Just plain curly writing. Artemis searched the box more and reached out a long arrow. Riptide? What was that? And what did it do? He picked up the phone and opened it. It flew open and as it did, a huge light flicked on. One button had 'Long Range' and another one read 'Short Range'. Artemis raised an eyebrow. He pressed the 'Long Range' button and suddeny the phone flashed into a giant bow. Of course! Attacking from far! It was incredible! He'd seen nothing like it!

Artemis had never used a bow before, but he picked the arrow up and aimed. He ripped the string back, harder and harder until his hand knew it was too much. He continued aiming at something soft. The pillows? No, too fluffy. As he tried finding something to aim at, the arrow starting glowing blue and the point turned into three. It now looked like a glowing trident. "Artemis?" He spun round. His heart stopped for a few minutes. He was staring at Butler with an armed bow. His hand hurt even more, but he couldn't move. If Butler didn't move now, he would be dead. "What are you-"

"Move!" Artemis screamed, "Quickly!"

"Why Arte-" the arrow was shot, but it didn't hit Butler. It hit something else. Something that swiped from the shadows and appeared right infront of the aim. A fairy? No, it seemed too tall. Wait, a girl?! She wore a cap which was now on the floor after being hit. Her orange T-Shirt read, 'Camp Half-Blood' and her eyes were a stormy grey. The arrow had shot her in the shoulder, so close to her heart that it could've even grazed it. Others ran into the room.

"Annabeth!" they all screamed. One of them lost a shoe which appeared a hoove on the end of his trouser leg.

"What is going on?!" Artemis roared. Everyone stared at him and the boy who lost his shoe stood up.

"Erm, nothing serious, just a little accident-" He looked down and found that Artemis was holding the 'Crystal Aim' and an arrow in his hand.

"That's the Crystal Aim!" Another boy said. His eyes were green and his hair was black. "He can see through the Mist!"

"Mist?!" Artemis wanted to continue but something hit him hard in the stomach. He heard Butler shouting and punching. Thunder and lightning crackled and more distant sounds went on. But what caught Artemis's mind were the waves. The calm waves in the background showed no revenge or horrid. The blue ocean. A calm wave of hippocampi strode by. He wanted to stay but Butler was struggling he had to help. Except that he never wanted to leave.


The oceans calmed him.


It showed no mercy, yet so innocent.


Why couldn't he stay? He hated the reality.






He thrashed into his eyes, making him jolt upwards in his bed. He saw Myles flopping the Science book yet again. Artemis sighed. "Arty, you died!" he giggled. WHAT?!

"Huh?!" Butler leant in the doorway.

"You were out for two days," he gasped.

Artemis sat up properly, "But, what about the girl?!"

"Holly came right after you passed out. However, this random group have just come from no where and they are not human! They decided to hide at our place away from something. I don't know what..."

"Are they like Holly?"

"No, they are something else. Maybe more powerful than Holly and the LEPrecon." Artemis slouched down and bumped his head on the wall behind him, but he didn't care any more. Who were they? Thinking that they can come into Fowl territory and stay!

"May I speak to them?" Butler nodded and leaded Artemis to where the intruders were staying. He opened a door to a big three bed guest room which was never used except for Holly when she was bored. All three looked at Artemis. He stared at the girl on the bed. "Hello," Artemis calmly said.

"Hi!" one of the boys said. He always wore an orange shirt with the words, 'Camp Half-Blood'. It bothered Artemis so much. They're not humans and they come from a camp?! Wait... Half-Bloods?

The boy with green eyes stood up and gave a hand to shake, "I'm thankful for you to let us stay here. Thank you- ?"

"Master Fowl, if you may."

"Master Fowl... Now, I am Percy Jackson, this is Grover Underwood."

"Ello!" roared Grover and flopped onto the bed.

"And this is Annabeth Chase." She nodded and gave a smile.

"Glad to meet you, Master Fowl.'

Finished. Next Chapter soon.

Percy Jackson and Artemis Fowl: The Genius and the HeroWhere stories live. Discover now