Chapter 1

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Teagans POV:

I woke up in my dorm. It was cold and breezing in my room. My roommate was once again, out past curfew. I avoid the drunk friends sprawled all over the floor. My class starts in about 45 minutes. I quickly jump into the shower and let the hot water spread all over my body. I hopped out and got dressed. I decided upon white pants, a yellow tank top, and a black sweater. I dried my hair and quickly fishtailed it.

I arrived at school and saw my group of friends.

"Hey Teagan! I was thinking about having a party this weekend. Wanna come?" Jessica spoke.

"Depending on who's coming..." I replied. Jessica has a history of inviting people who I either despise or they despise me. It's always safest to ask that question first.

"You, Miranda, Ale-"

"No" I cut her off. She knows I don't enjoy them or their existence. "But I'd be fun-" Once again cut off but not by me. A mysterious group of males walk our way.

"Party huh?" The leader i'm guessing spoke with a smirk. "Yes, but you're not invited." Jessica said surprised at her sudden confidence. He laughed. "I don't care if I'm invited." Okay. "Where's it at?" Another member spoke. "1983 Runne-" I hit her. "Don't finish that." I whispered to her hoping she got the reminder about who was standing in-front of us.

"Don't worry. We'll figure it out." A cocky group they are. "And how are you going to do that?" I questioned. They left my questioned unanswered. I was left with many unanswered questions actually. Like who they are, why they'd care, Why they came this way.

"What're you thinking about?" Jessica asks like nothing happened. "Teagan.." She carried on. "Hmm.." I hummed. "What are you thinking about?" She repeated. "Why are you not effected by that?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and walked to her Calculus class. I walked about four doors down to English.

"Okay class, Turn to page 429. We're working on editing marks this week. 1-36 is due at the end of class. So I suggest you get started right away in order to get full credit." Mrs.Pollery spoke.

I did as she said and turned to page 429 and began.

"Do you know how far we go?" I asked the student next to me. "36." He answered.

"I dont think we've met. My name's Teagan" I smiled. "Oh, and thank you." I added.

"Michael. and you're welcome. If you don't mind I'd like to get done with this before the end of class." Michael polietly said. I nodded, meaning I understood. I decided to do the same and get my work done quickly.


*Skip to last period*

My last period happens to math. Ms.Minds H A T E S me. I've literally done nothing to her and she still hates me. I've done my work, participated in class and answered every question correctly, but the hatered is still carried. I walk into my classroom, once again, first one to arrived. I sit my stuff down and get situated for class. I get out my pencil, paper, calculus book, and calculus folder. The people start coming in while i'm doing this.

"Ladies and gentlemen, calm down. We've got a new student today. His name is Harry," He looks like one of the guys from the group we ran into. "Harry, would you like to introduce yourself?" Ms.Minds said

"Not really." He said carelessly. "You will." Ms.Minds shot back.

"I'm Harry, I'm a student here. I'm in this class. There." Harry stated obviously. "Fine. Your seat is next to....", she said trying ot find an empty desk. "Teagan, you can sit next to her." Harry smirked while walking over to my seat. No, he can't be. He's not. "I think we've met." He said. Stay quite Teagan and he'll leave you alone. It's okay. "Not gonna talk are we?" He smiled. I kept the peace and didn't talk. Class went by quickly after the that.

*Ring.. Ring.. Ring..*

"See you this weekend babe." Harry smirked. "Wait, what? No you won't. Don't even think about it. We're changing locations. You're not coming." I snapped back. "Wait and see." Harry smiled and walked. This is gonna be a long last year.

I walked to my locker and put my homework in my bag and walked to my car. Why does he want to go? It's not gonna be fun. All that's gonna happen is talking and drinking grape juice. Jessica's parents will be in town. Why doesn't she move out? because her parents 'don't think she's ready for that much freedom' forsay. They're gonna be bored. I should just let this lay out and stop worrying so much. After my thought session I've arrived at my car, I open my door and remember that my phone is still in my locker. "Dammit!" I get out and walk to the school doors and go to my locker. "Where is it?!" I scrummage through my locker one last time.

"Looking for this?" Someone said from behind me. I turn around to see that it's the dickhead I sit by in calculus. "Give me it back" I stand up and reach for it. "No, no, no. You have to do something to get this back" He said. "I don't work for things that are already mine." I shouted back. "Looks like you're gonna have to." I rolled my eyes " What do i have to do for you princess." I was done with him and i haven't even known him for 3 hours. "Where's the party at?" Knew it. I fucking knew it. "1983 Runner Drive." I whispered.

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