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"This spot is perfect!" Phil smiled, tilting his head back to look at the stars.

The rocking horse didn't go as well as we planned. The pictures on the instructions helped, but we lost too many screws. We ended up playing a game of 'duck from Adrian as he tries to hit us with a piece of wood'. Ade broke a lamp, and made a hole in the wall that we decided to cover with one of my brother's posters.

We called it quits around 7 when the sun went down, and it didn't take much convincing for Phil to want to try out my new telescope.

"I used to come here all the time when I was younger." I told him. Memories of my dad and I sitting at the edge of the lake filled my head, and the corners of my mouth turned upwards.

I walked Phil to the water, and laid the blanket I had brought down on the grass. Phil's fingers loosened on the telescope box he held. "What made you so interested in the stars?" I asked him, trying to start some kind of conversation.

"I used to live in a country where there were no lights. You could walk outside and be surrounded by our galaxy." He told me, placing the box on the blanket. I sat down near the water, and he lowered himself opposite of me.

"It was amazing." He continued. "But then we moved here for high school because my older brother had an internship." I began opening he box, nodding along with the story.

"I didn't think it would be so bad, y'know? But nobody talked to me.
Nobody even bothered." The sad story began again, and I tried my hardest to do anything stupid.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized.

"Not even you." He sighed. I looked up at him, his eyebrows knitting themselves in confusion. "Why?"

My eyebrows furrowed. "Because my friends told me not to." I said truthfully.

"You always listen to your friends?"

"Let's just say if they had all jumped off a bridge, I probably would've too." I shrugged, turning back to the box.

"And, what? You're your own person now?"

"Why are you trying to fight me?" I questioned, a little annoyed at how he was treating me.

I couldn't read Phil's face to tell how he was feeling. "I'm just curious."

"Curiously killed the cat."

"But satisfaction brought it back." Phil retorted.

"Can we just enjoy the stars?"

Phil looked at his lap. "I'm sorry."

Reason number 21 not to fall in love with Phil Lester, he can switch emotions in .5 seconds.

"Isn't it weird PJ lives right there?" I asked pointing behind him.

"He does?" Phil turned around to look at the house with the red roof.

"You've been dating for two weeks and you haven't been to his house?" Phil shook his head no.

"I'm probably going to break up with him." He looked back to me. I felt my shoulders relax. "All he ever does is talk about you."

That sounds familiar. "Really?"

"Yeah. 'Did you see Dan's hair today?' 'Dan's favorite color is black.' It was annoying actually."

"I bet." I laughed softly.

"I already knew your favorite color anyways."

"You know things that Peej doesn't know."

"Like what?"

"Like how I like to paint 5:30, and that my dad's back from town... And that I had three telescopes-"

"Does he know that on your right cheek, the two freckles near your lip form a frowning face with your dimples?"

"What?" My hand shot up to my face, covering my cheek. "N-no they don't."

Phil started laughing and it made my cheeks turn red.

There was an awkward silence as his laughter died down.

"What do you want to do after we graduate?" Phil asked, shifting him on the blanket and opening the telescope box.

"Probably art school." I watched him take the base of the telescope out. "What about you?"



"NASA you dork." He snickered at his remark. I rolled my eyes. "I applied for an interview."

"Really? That's awesome!" I smiled.

Phil nodded, and I felt a vibration in my back pocket. I pulled my phone out and held it in my hand.

7:34- From: kickthepj
Loose lips sink ships

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