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"The sky's gonna hurt him when it falls." Ian said, the next day in school. We were next to each other in the lunch line, and once again he brought up the topic of Phil.

"He'll be fine." I assured, but I said it more to myself than him.

"I'm just warning you. I'm not trying to be a PJ, but his head is in the clouds."

"Thanks, but that's my boyfriend you're talking about."

"I'm not being mean! All I'm saying-"

"Is rude things." I finished for him. "Let's go." I instructed, after we payed for our lunches. Ian and I sat down at the table with Anthony and Phil.

"Can I just say something?" Phil asked, looking between the three of us.

"Sure?" Anthony responded.

"Why were you two huge buttholes to me when we first hung out?"

Anthony and Ian looked at each other. "You mean the purple thing?" Anthony asked. I stared at Phil.

"Please don't start this again." I asked him.

"I just want to know." He stated, keeping his eyes off of me.

"We-" Anthony started.

"PJ said." Ian changed the subject.

"You all followed PJ blindly." Phil rolled his eyes.

"Key word: followed." I pointed out. "Let's just eat." Phil nodded and took a bite of his lunch.

"You guys wanna come over tonight?" Anthony asked suddenly. "We can play Mario Kart, or I just got the new Five Nights at Freddy's game... or something."

"Sorry, I already have plans." Phil stated. I looked at him with my eyebrows furrowed. He shrugged it off. "I have a project to do with Felix. You guys can hang out, though."

"You're going to his mansion?" I almost threw up my three bites of food. "Lucky!"

"I've only been there once." Ian commented. "Huge."

"Like my-"

"No, Anthony. Yours is like the size of Dan's thumb."

"Well, yours is like the size of Phil's pinkie." Anthony retorted.

"So, what you're saying is you've seen each other's...?" I stepped in, watching as they both turned red.

"No." Ian said with embarrassment, the same time Anthony proudly exclaimed, "Yep!"

"You two." I shook my head. My eyes averted back to Phil, who was lost in thought with his lunch. "You alright, love?"

"Fine." He snapped out of his trance, looking up at me. "Why?"

"Just wondering. Text me later? I'll walk you home, yeah?"

"No, I'm going to Felix's." He reminded, grabbing his lunch off the table. "I gotta go.. Bye." He proclaimed. Then, he threw his food in the trash can and left the cafeteria.

"What's got his boxers in a knot?" Anthony asked when Phil was gone.

A/N: 30k holy chalupas

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