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Just as she had stepped inside, after returning from her walk with Nandi, she heard hoofs hitting the path that ran towards their hut. Looking out of the window her fork, which had been pushing food around her plate, fell from her hand clattering onto the plate, loudly even to cause even Papa to flinch but barely scratching the surface of her shock. There, in her garden, stood a handful of the Kahn's guards, carrying his golden crest on a banner, and his messenger. 

Even when the knock sounded at the door she was stuck in her seat, frozen with shock. As if from a distance, she heard her father get up to open the door and heard words being spoken but couldn't make sense of them. A deep sound that seemed like a growl, spiked her curiosity to the point that it allowed her to move again. She sprang up from her chair and rushed over to the door, unable to stop herself from moving towards the excitement. Squeezing her way past her Papa's trembling body that was covering most of the doorframe she finally was able to face the man that was standing on her doorstep.

A startled almost scared look was smeared on his face as he looked at her father, but his face softened as his eyes moved down to hers.

"Good morning miss,'' his voice trembled slightly as he looked back up to Papa's face. "I am here on behalf of the Palace and it would help us tremendously if we could ask you a few questions." His voice was clipped but warm and he spoke in a way that reminded her of the Prince, however this man's voice was more gruff and less velvety than the prince's. She shook her head as she realised she was thinking about him again. Her brows furrowed in confusion as the man's words dawned on her. Why would these men need to ask me questions? He was looking at her expectantly and she realised he was waiting for her to answer.

"Um... yes of course?"

"Did you attend the Grand Procession?" dread flooded into her bones, how could she answer without losing. These men came from the Kahn and if she lied to them she could be arrested but if she admitted to lying to Papa, how could she ever face him again? She could hear her heart pumping in her ears and before she knew it she'd spoken, as if she had no control over her own voice.

"Yes, I was there" a shocked gasp chilled her neck from behind and she felt the sickening blows of her father's disappointment rolling off him in waves.

"Did you see a horse escape the formation?"

"Yes, I rode after it to stop it from hurting itself," She was just trying to explain herself, worried that she'd caused some offence to the Royal family and was being fetched to face her punishment. However the man smiled as if she had said the right thing. She didn't know whether to be happy or concerned at his reaction. He turned around to one of the huge men on the horses behind him, who nodded, giving him permission to continue. Akillah could feel her breathing quicken as he turned back towards her, the weight of his next words, darkening his eyes.

"The prince, has cordially requested that you should join him in the Palace," he paused, giving Akillah time to digest what she was hearing - "he has a very important question to ask you." 


A beat passed and she felt that she could have heard a grain of sand move in the Desert Lands.

How could she go?

But how could she not?

Before she was given a chance to reply she felt hands gripping her painfully from the waist and yanking her backwards. She didn't have time to cry out in pain as she was dragged away to her room, the door slammed against her protests. She was too angry to fear the sudden change in her father, who had never touched her so roughly, she was old enough to decide her own fate. She banged her hands against the door, and winced as she heard another door slam shut. A desperate cry escaped her mouth as she heard a shout, and the undeniable sound of horses being moved reached her ears, jumping up to her window she only saw the swish of the last horse's tail as they were ridden away, probably never to return again.

With no strength left in her, she slid down to the floor and hugged her knees to her chest. An emptiness filled her then, watching her hope at the chance of another life ride away into the distance. Leaving her alone, her face pressed up against the rough wooden wall, tears silently streaming down her face.


A/N- I've just edited this chapter as I wasn't pleased with how it was before so I hope you guys like it. Please vote and comment if you're enjoying it. 

Falling Shadows (The Ellocea chronicles) [#Wattys2016]Where stories live. Discover now