Six. The Goblet of Fire.

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The mood in the dining hall was particularly boisterous. Marlowe could barely focus on his food, knowing what was coming. He kept shifting his position and glancing up at the faculty table in the hopes that Professor Osset would stand soon to make the announcement. Caiti and Evelyn seemed much more interested in the other students. A few girls from Beauxbatons had sat down with Amelia and her friend Miriam a little ways down the Ravenclaw table. Caiti and Evelyn had been observing them ever since.

"Uh oh, Marlowe," Caiti said suddenly, just as the dinner plates cleared and refilled with desserts. "Don't look over there, Amelia's trying to catch your eye."

"Shoot, hide me," he said.

Caiti leaned forward on the pretense of listening to Sean across the table and Marlowe sunk down low in his seat.

"I don't know what any of this is," Sean was saying, looking blankly at all the desserts.

Evelyn twisted her lips to one side, thinking. "Well, that's creme brulee," she said, pointing to a large dish full of something pale yellow that looked sort of like a flan, it's top lightly browned. "And... that's some sort of a rice pudding. And maybe a custard tart? Couldn't tell you the rest."

Marlowe peered at the various new dishes himself. The whole feast had been unusual, apparently intended to offer some familiarity to the foreign students. He helped himself to a bit of something that he was pretty sure was baked apples, took one small bite and nodded, going back for a larger one.

Sean stared at everything for another minute and then grabbed a spoonful of the same dish Marlowe was now shoveling into his mouth.

After what felt like an eternity, the dessert plates cleared. Marlowe had been hunched over, chin on his hand, silently rushing everyone around him to finish eating. Now he sat bolt upright, attention rapt and directed at Professor Osset who seemed not to have noticed that the plates had emptied themselves, signaling the end of the feast. He seemed to be the only one who hadn't noticed. A hush, broken only by a smattering of anticipatory whispers, had swept across the great hall in only a few seconds. All eyes were turned towards the faculty table where the three heads were finishing up what appeared to be a vibrant conversation.

Finally, Professor Osset turned away from his fellow headmistresses to face the students again. He smiled around at them all, hands clasped in front of him on the table, but did not stand.

Marlowe was about to burst. He waited, hands gripping his thighs just above the knee, for about fifteen seconds before he couldn't take it any longer.

"Hey!" he called loudly. Everyone's heads turned towards him, some shocked or startled, others - mostly those who knew Marlowe - breaking into grins and amused smirks. "We're ready!" he said. The great hall erupted in laughter.

Caiti he noticed, looked a little pink on his behalf, but giggled anyway. Professor Osset seemed not to have minded his potentially rude outburst in front of the guests. He, too, was chuckling to himself. He pushed back his chair and stood. Marlowe grinned and saluted him.

"Yes, yes, of course." said Professor Osset. "I know you're all anxious to hear the details of the reason we're all gathered here tonight. Forgive me for hoping to extend such a truly pleasant evening. I would like to begin by extending once more our warmest welcome to our guests." He beamed around at them all.

"Tonight, as you all very well know, marks the beginning of an exciting event: the Triwizard Tournament. In a week's time we shall know our three champions, three bright, gifted, young students who are sitting in this room tonight, and I'm sure you will give them all your support. But first, I must introduce an old friend of mine, Mr. Robert Fenwick, head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation at the Ministry who will explain the rules." He turned back to face a very thin man in shabby robes that looked far too large for him. When he stood, they pooled around his ankles, a few inches too long, and hung off his shoulders where his frame did not fill them. Everyone applauded politely while he made his way to the front of the room.

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