Eleven. Hogsmeade.

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Caiti allowed herself the liberty of sleeping in so late on her birthday that she missed breakfast. She finally made it downstairs at eleven AM, dressed in her favorite tiffany blue sweater and white jeans, plus the blue bow she usually wore tied around her half ponytail. The tails of the ribbon were droopy, nestled into soft, loopy curls. She had made an effort that morning with her makeup, even. Just because.

Marlowe was waiting for her in the common room. He had a book open in front of him which she suspected was only for show. He did not look when she approached him but she could tell he knew she was there.

"There's the birthday girl," he said, grinning when she tapped him on the shoulder. "Brought you some breakfast." He picked up a stack of toast wrapped in napkins.

"Thank you," she said brightly, and she sat herself on the floor, leaning against his legs, and unwrapped the toast.

"Slept late, huh?" he asked.

Caiti looked at him upside down. "Mmhmm."

"Guess you're allowed to today," he said, reaching down to give her shoulder a squeeze.

Caiti nodded, munching on her half cold toast.

"Sean and Evelyn aren't going," he said. "Something about Sean wanting to prepare for the task. As though he knows what he's even supposed to do. But anyway, Evelyn said she'd stay and help him and they'll meet us for dinner tonight."

Caiti shrugged. "That's alright. We'll have more fun anyway. They're too sensible."

Marlowe laughed. "Can't disagree."


They arrived in Hogsmeade near one o'clock and Caiti was starving again. She found them a table in the Three Broomsticks while Marlowe went to order two butterbeers and a couple of appetizers to share, including smashed potatoes and a bowl of Caiti's favorite brown bread. He insisted that the birthday girl not pay.

Marlowe found her at a small booth in the back corner where she was sitting cross legged on the bench, slouching over with her chin in her hands.

He slid one frothy butterbeer over to her. "Thanks," she said, sitting up again.

"Don't worry about it," he said, taking a sip of his own. He wiped a bit of foam off his upper lip with the back of his hand. "So, how's it feel to be seventeen?" he asked.

"I feel elderly," said Caiti without a moment's thought.

Marlowe, who had just taken a second sip of his butterbeer, nearly spit it out everywhere.

"Elderly," he repeated once he had finished coughing. His voice was still a little wheezy and his eyes were watering.

"Yes," she said. Her hands were clasped around the warm mug from which she had yet to drink. "I feel elderly."

"Well," he said, grinning, "you don't look it."

Caiti took a sip of her butterbeer to hide her smile.

"And anyway, you can do magic wherever you go now. And as soon as you've taken apparition lessons you'll be able to take your test."

"Definitely a plus," she said. "Because brooms are not my thing."

"And that is something I will never understand," said Marlowe.

Madame Rosmerta, the curvaceous, but now aging barmaid, her long frizzy hair graying in places, set two dishes on the table. Caiti immediately set to buttering a piece of the brown bread she was so fond of and did not see a second person approaching the table. She set down her knife just in time to hear an all too familiar voice say "Hey."

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