Thirty Seven. Graduation.

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For the first time in quite a few years, the Hogwarts graduation ceremony did not get rained out. Several hundred white lawn chairs were set up in pristine rows in front of the stage by the lake. With the Durmstrang ship absent after it's long residency there, Evelyn thought the black water looked sort of funny, like something was missing.

The graduates stood lined up at the back of the crowd in the order they would sit, waiting for the orchestra to begin playing the entrance march. As Head Boy and Triwizard Champion, Sean stood in front, followed by the Head Girl, Jennifer Prewett. Evelyn wasn't far behind; the rest of the prefects had been arranged next in alphabetical order, and behind them, the rest of the class.

She was sweating already. It was three o'clock in the afternoon and the sun beat down on her in her black robes and formal, pointy black hat. She wished they wore the witches' hats with brims as part of their uniform so they'd at least have had a little shade. Around her neck, she wore a deep blue stole for Ravenclaw, and her prefects badge was pinned to her chest. Sean was more decorated than anyone, with blue chords for his position on the quidditch team, and two medals around his neck - one for the tournament, one for being Head Boy - that clinked when he walked.

Finally, the orchestra began to play. It wasn't a tune she'd ever heard before, but it felt appropriately celebratory and it stirred up the emotions she'd been trying to ignore all day. Evelyn was not ready to graduate. She was terrified of life after Hogwarts. Hogwarts was all she really knew of the wizarding world. She had no adults that could help her find a job or introduce her to people who could help her get started, besides maybe Sean's family, if they were willing. 

But more than the logistics, it was the nostalgia. Hogwarts, really, was where she had grown up, gotten to know herself. It was where she'd met her very best friends. She didn't like to think about September rolling around and the Hogwarts Express leaving without her.

They began to walk, following a complicated looping pattern through the people assembled to celebrate with them. Some of her fellow students were smiling and waving at people they knew, but Evelyn could hardly look up from the ground, afraid she'd start crying if she spotted her parents or Caiti.

She wished they could take a more direct route to their seats. She also wished she had been able to sit next to Sean and Marlowe.

They looped and circled up towards the front few rows, which remained empty for the graduates. At the last leg of their maze, all the professors and staff had lined up on either side of them, forming a tunnel. They applauded and shook hands with students they had known well and Evelyn felt completely overwhelmed. All these smiling faces and all this noise, but she didn't even want to celebrate what they were all here for. Graduating sucked. 

Finally, they took their places in front of their chairs. Evelyn, along with the other prefects, sat in the front row. There was a large stage set up at the edge of the lake, and a podium decorated with the Hogwarts crest stood at its center. Hovering unsupported were four large banners representing each of the Hogwarts houses. The professors were seated on the stage in front of the banners and they clapped continuously until the last graduate was still.

When they had all sat down, Professor Osset took to the podium to welcome everyone. He was dressed impeccably in crisp black robes. "It seems impossible," he began, "that this day could have arrived already. I'm sure all the parents in the back will agree with me." There was a murmur of consent. 

"It always seems to go by too quickly, and yet, here we are, gathered together to celebrate the remarkable accomplishments of the young people before me. My staff and I are honored that you have shared them with us for the last seven years, where together we have worked to discover the talents and potential that is unique to each one of them, and today, we've reached the culmination of that work. We prepare to send them out into the world to use the talents they've cultivated at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and I am confident that every one of these students will represent this great school well.

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