XX. Screwdriver, Screw Up, Screw Me (Leo's POV)

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Leo tossed and turned. He threw himself around and grunted in frustration.

(1)"¿Qué diablos? Ugh, ya he terminado con esta mierda!" Leo set his pillow on fire and threw it across the room.

Festus lazily batted out the flame with his tail and looked at Leo questioningly. Leo stuck out his tounge at the dragon, and turned over in his sleeping bag again.

Leo frowned. This position was no good. The problem was Nico. He couldn't fall asleep if he was preoccupied with studying Nico's stupid, cute face. So Leo turned around. But that was bad, too, because he couldn't fall asleep because all he wanted to do was stare at Nico's stupid, cute face.

Leo wriggled out of his sleeping bag and retrieved his tool belt from Festus.

(2)"Él es demasiado maldito lindo ... ni siquiera me deja dormir ... sólo tenía que quedarse..." Leo muttered as he started piecing something together. Festus snorted at Leo's comments.

"Don't mock me, you oversized toaster oven," Leo said, and Festus spit a little fire at him. Leo patted it out impatiently and continued on his little project. He didn't know what he was making, but he went to hammer a nail into it. His tool belt produced a screwdriver instead. Leo, too pissed to find the hammer, started banging the nail into the metal with the screwdriver's grip, effectively bending the nail out of shape. Leo couldn't help but yell and throw the hammer across the room. Festus chastised him from his corner, but all Leo heard was Nico's groggy muttering.

(3)"Che diavolo sta succedendo?" He said.

"I speak three languages, (4)tipo, but Italian ain't one of 'em." Leo said, ignoring the fluttering in his stomach.

"What are you doing up, Valdez?" Nico said with a contagious yawn. "It can't even be four in the morning yet."

Leo continued to mutter, in Spanish so Nico wouldn't understand. Stuff about nuisances and cute boys and broken machines. Leo fiddled with his project until Nico took it from him. Their fingers brushed slightly, and Nico's were as abnormally cold as Leo's were abnormally hot. Leo resisted the urge to warm them up for him.

(5)"Vai a dormire, bella-" Nico started. Leo didn't understand the words, but Nico froze as though embarrassed. "Go to bed, Leo," he said in English, and crawled back into his own sleeping bag.

Leo followed suit. He started to get into his own sleeping bag, but Festus pushed him to the side and lay down right between the boys. Nico was entirely obstructed from Leo's view.

"Well, guess I can fall asleep now," Leo whispered defeatedly.

"-.-- --- ..- -.. -... . - - . .-." Beeped Festus.

Leo turned away from his friend and closed his eyes, starting to drift off.

But, as was becoming apparent, sleep wasn't the only thing Leo was falling in.

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(1)What the hell? Ugh, I'm done with this shit!

(2)He's too damn cute... Won't even let me sleep... He just had to stay...
(3)What the hell is going on?
(5)Go to bed, beautiful

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