chapter 10

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josie POV

“need any help?” Tamarah asked as i was writing an invitation out, Freddie gave me a huge list of people to consider inviting, i finished writing the invite i was on and looked up to find her sitting down across from me drumming her fingers looking up into space, not really concertrating on anything, not making any conversation or anything, just sitting there and feeling apart of something. Kyrie had crashed on the couch, im surprised she hasn’t woken up with all the times the phone has been ringing because of Brian, id get annoyed after a while and get up and leave, but she, she was gone, dead to the world and sound asleep, snoring her head off. “i dunno, do you mind putting postage stamps on the envelope?” I asked her, holding out the roll of stamps we have, she took them eagerly wanting something to do. She looked at each individual invite inside that i have already wrote on, im not sure why, they all look the same, black and white, nothing overly fancy. We sat there for what seemed forever in silence, just writing or in her case licking the back of a stamp and pressing it onto an envelope, no conversation no nothing.

 “its freezing” She said, well this is a start, but all i could do was nod my head, i couldn’t think of anything else to do, yes i could talk, but id probably say something stupid, so i thought better and kept my mouth shut. She stopped placing stamps on the envelopes, leaning her head back, eyes closed and her hands patting her stomach. “whats it like?” I asked her, her eyes instantly opened and stared at me, shocked by the sudden noise of my voice. She began to rub the side of her stomach in a circular motion, my hand was cramping from writing so much, it was starting to really annoy me and give myself a headache. “cold” She said, stifling her laughter, avoiding the question completly, she knew exactly what i was asking. She never seemed to talk about it with us around, only to Freddie as if it were some big secret that isn’t allowed to be known. “its like anything, you have your good days and your bad days... its really weird too, having someone inside of you and kicking you at free will and moving around, its creepy in a sense” She said, now answering the question properly and fastening up the jacket she was wearing, trying to heat herself up. I got up and went over to the heater, igniting the flame and turning it up to medium heat in hop to heat the place up quicker.

 “and today is??” I asked. “bad, he hasn’t stopped all day... the restless little bugger” She said laughing, myself joining in. I walked by her, i didn’t know if she was being legit or not, i had to take her word for it, its not like ive been pregnant so i wouldn’t know. She quickly grabbed my hand and placed it on her stomach in one moment, i wasn’t expecting anything, then i felt something hit against my hand. “that... thats your baby doing that?” I asked her, that was weird if it was. All she could do was laugh at my reaction, after a while she nodded her head, answering my question without any words. Id hate to be kicked around in the stomach all day, i took my hand away and just stared at it for while. “the little munchkin cant move... 3 more months” She said, somewhat talking to me, but also talking to he stomach, patting it, as if reassuring it that everything was going to be alright. I went back to my seat and continued to write peoples names when the phone suddenly started to ring, tamarah began to get up to answer it.

“no, sit down, ill get it”

I told her, i already knew who it was, Brian, it wasn’t too hard to guess. He had been calling in every possibly break he could, and occasionally you could hear Freddie or Roger yelling at him in the distance to hurry up and get off the phone. I picked up the phone off the jack and answered it, listening to the brief moment of silence.

“hello, youve reached suu chi’s chinese, how may i help you”

I asked in the stupidest accent i could possibly make, i was bored and it seemed like the best thing to do at the moment, the sudden eruption of noises being blasted through to my ear from down the line, i now know it is definitely Brian. I looked over to Tamarah who was trying to hold back her laughter, i held a finger to my mouth indicating her to be quiet, she nodded in agreeing to my command

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