chapter 1

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John POV

I was outside the off white door, people were coughing and spluttering all around. This is why i hate hospitals, its not the people, its what they do, i know they cant help it but... eugh, i just cant stand it.

I combed my fingers through my hair and fixed up the flowers carefully, trying not to make them break. She wasn’t going to be awake, i knew she wasn’t, she hasn’t woke once in all the times i have been here.

I opened the door slowly, peeping my head through to find kyrie in a chair beside her bed, she was awake, and she already had flowers.

They both looked up at me, i bowed my head, getting completely shy by getting stared at, it was overwhelming and uncanny, i didn’t know how to react. I handed her the flowers and he face lit up, blushing profoundly, giving he pale cheeks some colour to them.

Kyrie stood up, offering me the chair and walking past me, i really didn’t like that, she didn’t have to move because of me, it was nice and all, but she knew her better i just came to make sure she was alright.

“don’t worry, my flowers aren’t as special as yours. Rogers been given me flowers every day, my apartment is full of them and voice recordings”

She told me as i went to take the seat. I heard about that, he doesn’t bloody shut up about her either, Kyrie this... Kyrie that... i have to get her this... i have to get her that... lets spam her message bank.... though i don’t think she really cares, she probably loves it how he is doing all this for her, but she doesn’t know about what he got her recently and there is no way i am going to tell her.

“well, i best be going... got work in a couple of hours”

She said, waving goodbye before she left. It was so different seeing her awake like this, normally i would just talk to her while she slept because she cant hear a word i am saying, but now is a different story, she can hear everything i say.

“Thanks john”

She said, playing with the petals of the flowers, white roses, Kyrie told me, i asked her earlier what her favourite was, i didn’t really want to get her flowers she didn’t like, only roger did that, but he knows nothing about her.  But she did end up giving him flowers back, daffodils, clearing stating on a card that they are her favourite.

“ how you?”

I stammered, asking her, the silence was beginning to get awkward. She looked up from her flowers, she reached over to her side gingerly, trying not to collide anything with her arm. It was horrible the sight of it, all the blood gushing out as time went by, the soft flesh of her inside her arm... i had to stop thinking this, it was revolting and i felt like i was going to be sick then and there.

She handed over a clip board, it read her name at the top... Natalie – Elodia Alvarez, date of birth, etc  of whatever else you find on these blasted stupid things, at least she was on the mend, that was the only thing on my mind, her and getting better.

“ i get the stiches out tomorrow then i can go”

She said, taking the bored back, clearly seeing i was getting annoyed at it. I just stared at her, she didn’t seem to mind, i didn’t quite know what to say, whatever i said always seemed to be awkward.

“you’re not going back to that flat are you?”

I asked, she looked at me shocked, i wasn’t very keen in letting her go back there, what if they came back and i wasn’t there, she could bleed to death for all i know. Visions flickered into my head, i grasped onto my hair, why did i have to think like this, i didn’t want any harm to get to her, i didn’t know her and she was already my world.

She tried shuffling over towards me, i was distressed i haven’t been able to sleep properly all week, constantly she was on my mind, i would spend every damn hour here just to watch her as she slept, making sure nothing would ever happen to her again.

“yes, i was planning to, there’s no other place i can go”

She said, i didn’t know what to do, she couldn’t possibly go back to that horrible place, it was cold and blood was probably still everywhere since the last time i saw it. They hadn’t caught the men that had done all this to her and it really annoyed me, she should never had to go through something like this.

“well... could come and stay with the guys and me, we have a spare bed pretty sure.”

I told her, what the hell was i saying, talking behalf of everyone, that was rule number one when i first joined, to always ask the others before i went ahead and did things. Well there goes that rule, but i would never be able to live with myself if this were to happen again, it would be all my fault because i was the one to let her go ahead on her own.

She looked at me wide eyed, shocked and confused, not knowing how to comprehend what i had just said. She changed various shades of red, her cheeks filling with colour, it was nice to see her happy and smiling even if it is in a time like this.

“i...i...i know you don’t know me and all, its just, this is crazy, but i love you since the first time i saw you in the pub and if anything were to happen to you id never be able to live with myself... as you can see all that’s left of me is a man i use to be. But when I’m around you, i feel whole again.”

I blurted out, i had no clue in what i was saying, the words just leaving my mouth as they came into my mind, it was probably a whole load of crap what i was saying, and probably made no sense, of that in my mind, i was the only one who could make sense of anything i said.

“John.... that’s so sweet of you, the nicest thing anyone has ever told me, no one has ever been there for me. But you, you have, by what ive heard, have always been here beside me to see how i am, if it will make you feel better ill go with you”

She told me, was i couldn’t believe my ears, was she seriously saying what i had just heard, was my brain comprehending correctly what she was saying, not it can be, my brain is being completely absurd, foolish brain i have.

She smiled at me, she reminded me of her so much. But now she was gone, i had someone to replace here and that’s all that mattered, nothing else, Natalie was now my world and i wasn’t going to let this one go. I kissed her, not knowing what i was doing, my brain got the better of me, but she didn’t seem to mind.

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