Chapter 6- Summertime Sadness

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Hey guys so I'm sorry I haven't  updated in a while but I've been really busy with school and stuff so I haven't been able to :( sorry again but I'll try my best to update every Saturday and Wednesday :) anyway, this is chapter 6, I hope you like it :) oh and feedback is much appreciated, thank you! :) xxxx

(Jade's P.O.V)

They were people everywhere I looked. Policemen, detectives, even forensic scientists. And of course I couldn't forget the mass of paparazzi and photographers who had gathered around the apartment building. I wasn't even sure how the story got out. All I knew was that I was terrified. Who the hell had sent me all these letters? It's not like it was fan mail- it was the exact opposite. They were mocking and threatening me. Then my mind switched back to a few months ago when I was sent the messages. They couldn't be linked, could they? Was this some sort of organized crime? Was the guy that was sent to prison even responsible? I felt dizzy just thinking about it. 

I stood inside the door of the flat and tried to put all my worries to the back my head. I suddenly felt a pair of hands rubbing my back. I knew exactly who it was. "Relax, Jade" Sam said. "It's common for stuff like this to happen to celebrities. We've got it all under control, trust me." I turned around. "But Sam, this isn't the first time something like this has happened" I protested. "Look Jade" he took my hands in his. "You've got to believe me. We're doing all we can to find who is responsible. I'll never let anything happen to you Jade, you're safe with me." He kissed my temple. "Thanks Sam" I smiled. I hoped they would find out soon or I was afraid I'd go mad. 

(Perrie's P.O.V) 

"Perrie! Get up!" A voice roared into my ear. I leaped out of my bed in fright. "Leigh!" I shouted. "Don't do that again!". She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm sorry but It's the only way to wake you up. Now come and have your breakfast before we go to the flat and see how things are going". I grunted. The flat. The investigation. Why was all of this happening again? I was really fed up about it. I had to stay at Leigh and Jesy's and Jade was staying at Sam's because we weren't allowed stay at home. I made my way into the kitchen. As I sat down, I noticed a newspaper on the table. I grabbed it and read the front page: 


Shit. Now the press knew about it. My day was made a whole lot worse. I read the story inside the cover. There was a picture of Jade from a few days ago. She looked so upset and vunerable. My stomach churned looking at it. Why was all this stuff happening to her? What had she ever done to deserve it? It just wasn't fair. First she was stalked by some pervert and now some lowlife was threatening to kill her. If I ever got my hands on him.... I made a promise to myself. I was going to give my all to protect Jade. No matter what it took, no matter what would happen to me, I wasn't going to let anything happen to her. She was the love of my life and nobody was going to mess her about.


When Leigh, Jesy and I arrived at the flat- or the crime scene, as it was now known as- we were greeted by a rather depressed looking Jade. She put on a smile but I knew it was fake. I could see right through it. "Jade" I pulled her to the side. "Can we talk please". She pretended to act confused. "About what?" She always wanted to act brave. "You know what I'm on about Jade. I know you're worried." She sighed and led me into our bedroom. We sat down on the bed even though it was covered by some plastic sheet. 

As soon as I opened my mouth to speak she started bawling. I cuddled her into me and rubbed her back. "Sshhh baba, It's all going to be okay" I tried to assure her. "It's not Perrie!" she wailed, "They'll never find who's behind this and we'll have to hide away for the rest of lives!". She was a complete mess. My heart broke at the sight of her. "Now listen here, Jade Thirlwall" I rubbed her tears from her cheek with my thumbs. "Stop crying now" I said gently. She sniffled as dried her eyes with her sleeve. I put my hands on her cheeks. "You're my best friend, Jade. I'd never let anything happen to you,ever! We're going to find the prick that's doing all of this and everything will go back to normal. I promise you. We're going to get through this together".  "Really?" she asked.  "Really" I smiled. A smile returned turned her face. But It wasn't a fake one- it was the real one. The one I adored more than anything else. I gave her a big hug. "Thanks Pez". 


(Sam's P.O.V) 

To cheer everyone up, I decided to take us all to Nando's. I booked out the whole place, as I knew there would be loads of people bothering us if I hadn't. We had all ordered and were sitting at the tables. Jade had her head resting on my shoulder and was chewing on a piece of chicken. I smiled at the sight. She was adorable. I was so glad she was mine. It had been hard for her lately, but for such a small girl she was keeping strong. I admired that. I loved her with all my heart.

I glanced across the table. I saw a sad-looking Perrie picking at her food, uninterested. That was unusual. Perrie loved food. There was something wrong, I was sure of it. "Excuse me" she piped up. "I must go to the bathroom." I watched her rise from her seat and make her way towards the toilet. I decided to follow her, I needed to talk to her. "I must use the toilet too" I announced as I stood up. Jade eyed me suspiciously. I smiled back at her. She rolled her eyes. I went down the hall and stood outside the door of the ladie's and waited for Perrie. 

(Perrie's P.O.V) 

I excused myself from the meal and went to the bathroom. I couldn't hold the tears anymore. As soon as I got into the bathroom I locked the door behind me and leant up against the door. I slowly slid down it, tears rushing down my face. I hated this. Feeling so helpless and vunerable. Why couldn't we just be left alone!? After a few minutes I cleaned myself up. All my mascara had ran and my make up was all over the place. I wiped it off and re-applied some more. 

I walked out of the bathroom to find Sam leaning against the wall outside. "Perrie" he said. "I need to talk to you". I gulped. He knew. He knew I loved Jade and he was going to give out to me and warn me away from her. "A-about what" I stuttered. He laughed slightly, he obviously noticed the fear in my face. "Don't worry I'm not mad at you" he said. I breathed a sigh of relief. "I just want to know why you've been so upset lately. I know you're worried about the investigation and everything but I know it's more than that" He stared into my eyes. I gulped. I had to tell him about Jade. I couldn't keep it in anymore. This was my chance. Who knew, maybe he would back off Jade and leave the door open for me. 

"I-I-I...." I couldn't get the words out. "It's okay. Take your time." He took my hand. He was very patient and caring. No wonder Jade was so smitten with him. "I-I lov-lov-". "What's going on!?" someone shouted. Sam and I jumped. It was Jade. Oh no, this didn't look good. I let go of Sam's hand. Tears were forming in her eyes. "How could you two do this!?" she screamed. Sam ran towards her. "No, Jade! It's not what it looks like!" He pleaded. "Save it, Sam! I knew it was too good to be true!" she cried. "But Jade ple-" she slapped him across the face. I stood there motionless. Sam held the side of his face. "Jade! He's telling the truth" I protested. "I can't believe you Perrie! I thought you were my best friend! You told me you were going to protect me when all you were doing was sleeping with my boyfriend" she yelled.

Now everybody had gathered around the three of us. Everyone stared with looks of disbelief. "Jade that's not true! There's nothing going on between us! I swear!". She ignored me. "Don't lie to me Perrie! That's why you've been so distant lately! You love Sam and you were jealous of us! You were just about to tell him!" If only she knew that she was the reason I was being distant, not Sam. She stormed out the door. "Jade!" I started to run after her, but Jesy pulled me back. "Leave her be. She'll come around". I couldn't help but cry. This was one huge disaster. I needed to fix it, and fast. 

(Jade's P.O.V) 

I stuffed my face into a pillow and let the tears flow out. I couldn't believe this. This wasn't happening. My best friend- and my boyfriend! This was the last thing I needed right know. I just couldn't take any of this. The stalking, the threats, Perrie and Sam- I couldn't do this anymore. I took my phone out of my pocket and dialled John's number. I couldn't believe it had come to this but I had been considering it for a while. This thing with Perrie and Sam had tipped me over the edge. But it was for the best, I knew that. "Hello, Jade? What's wrong" he asked. "I have to tell you something John" I said, trying to hold back the tears. "What is it?" there was a hint of concern in his voice. "I'm leaving the band". 

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