Chapter 7- Miss You

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I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a while but I've been really busy :( but I'm going to update a lot over the next week cos I'm on school holidays :D oh and feedback is appreciated as always! :D thanks guys :* 


(Perrie's P.O.V)

I was all over the place. I hadn't gotten out of bed since Tuesday. That was the day Jade gathered everyone to tell us that she was leaving the band. Well, she gathered everyone except for me. And Sam. Everything had gone horribly wrong I and just wanted to fix it so bad. Jade had gotten the wrong end of the stick and it all looked so bad. It was one big mess.

I wanted to tell her exactly what happened but I couldn't, for two reasons. For one, she wouldn't answer my calls or leave me meet up with her and two, if I did end up talking to her I wouldn't be able to tell her that it was her I loved, not Sam. I was too much of a chicken. I missed  her so much. I just wanted to fix everything and hug her and be her friend again. 

It was Saturday. Little Mix- or at least what was left of it- were going to tell the fans and public the devestating news. We'd kept it secret all week. But it was time to tell. We couldn't keep it from the fans any longer. We knew the news would crush them, and maybe even lose us some mixers, but we couldn't hide away forever and hope for Jade to change her mind. Jesy and Leigh had already tried to explain to her what she had seen wasn't what she thought it was but she wasn't having any of it. She was convinced that Sam and I were having an affair. 

"Perrie! Come on!" Leigh roared from the kitchen.

I sighed and poked my head out from under the blankets. It had been my hiding place all week. Slowly I threw the covers to my side and slithered out of my bed and into the kitchen. I had stayed with Jesy and Leigh in their flat since everything had blown up.

"We're doing the press conference at 12" Jesy informed me. I looked at the clock that hung on the wall. It was 9am. 

"So you'd better hurry up, Pez. We haven't much time". Jesy threw me a slice of toast.

"Thanks" I said. Leigh and Jesy looked at each other in amazement.

"Jes! That's the first time she's spoken all week!" Leigh exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and chewed on my toast.

"Are we gonna be telling the fans why Jade's left?" I questioned.

Leigh-Anne shook her head. "Nope. For now at least".

"But what if she tells them herself?" Jesy said, rather scared.

"She wouldn't do that" Leigh defended.

I disagreed. As much as I loved Jade, I still knew that once you got on her bad side, she could be your worst nightmare. And I definitely I wasn't her favourite person right then.


"Okay everybody! Settle down!" John shouted at the audience. I peeked behind the curtain the see tens of thousands of people gathered in the room. They probably all thought it was good news we were about to reveal. Little did they know it was the complete opposite. John appeared from behind the curtain.

"Okay girls, you're on". I took a deep breath. My heart was going so fast I thought I was having a heart-attack. I glanced behind me at Jesy and Leigh. They gave me reassuring smiles.

"It'll be fine, Pez" Jesy whispered. I counted to3 before walking onto the stage. The fans initially went wild but once they noticed the absence of a certain 4th member they died down a bit. 

"Where's Jade?" once fan shouted. Within a few seconds everyone had joined in chanting: 


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