Chapter 1- One Thing

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Okay so this is my first fic so please go easy on me lol :D feedback is much appreciated and if anybody has any ideas for the storyline feel free to let me know! Oh and sorry it’s so short but I thought I’d put up a little bit to see how people liked it :P Thank you! :D 


(Jade’s P.O.V)

There I was, in my own little bubble. I was in ecstasy. Pure, sweet ecstasy. Yet I couldn’t bring myself to believe what had just happened. Little Mix had won the X-Factor. There were hugs, kisses and screams aplenty. Little did I know what was around the corner. A number one single, an album and maybe even our own headline tour, I hoped. Sure enough, all of that was to come- but that wasn’t the half of it. It isn’t all fun and games being a popstar- you have to be strong mentally and be willing to work hard.I soon learned it wasn’t easing being famous- in fact, it’s quite the opposite. 

It all began 3 days after our historic victory. I was sitting at a table at Nando’s with Jesy across from me as she played with her phone. She had insisted we came here even though I would much have preferred to have gone to a café to get some tea and biscuits. But after 20 minutes of begging and emotional blackmail, Jesy finally convinced me and the other girls to go there, to Jesy’s favourite place in the world, just to shut her up.

Perrie was up at the counter ordering our food and Leigh was with her to make sure she didn’t get the whole menu, as she usually did. For such a small girl, man could Perrie eat. After 10 minutes they still hadn’t ordered. I was getting impatient so I pulled out my phone and tapped on the Twitter icon. I began to write a new tweet on out joint account; 

@LittleMixOffic: “In Nando’s for 10 mins and we still haven’t ordered! C’mon Pez, ya don’t have to buy out the whole restaurant!! #shesahungrygirl xxjadexx”

I signed off as usual and tweeted it. “Look, Jade” Jesy called to me, pointing at Leigh-Anne and Perrie, who were making their way over to us. “They’ve finally ordered!It’s a miracle!” she exclaimed sarcastically. There they were, carrying two trays with enough food on them to feed five Niall Horans. “How much food did you buy!?” Jesy quizzed Perrie as she sat down beside me. Leigh plopped herself down next to Jesy. “Not nearly enough” the blonde Geordie answered seriously. “You have a problem, Pez!” I said jokingly. “No I don’t!” she whined “I just like my food, arrest me!”.

She sat there with an annoyed look on her face. I didn’t even need to answer her. When she was in a mood like this there was only one cure- a visit from the tickle monster. Sure, I wasn’t a monster- I was a 5ft 3 redhead that was built like a twig so I wasn’t exactly threatening- but that never seemed to make a difference to Perrie. 

I leaned in against her and tickled her ribs. She started giggling. “Jade, stop!” she protested. But that wasn’t her weak spot. Being her friend, I have to cheer her up, right? And if that means making a fool out of myself by ticking her armpits everytime we visit a fast food restaurant then so be it. As always, she ended up laughing hysterically and nearly fell of her chair until I caught her hand and pulled her back up to her seat. 

She looked at me, grinning from ear to ear. “You always know how to cheer me up, Thirlwall” she said as she playfully punched me in the shoulder. That made me smile, almost as wide as her. I didn’t know what it was with Perrie. Maybe it was just that we were both from South Shields but I always felt closer to her than Leigh or Jesy. She was special. We just got on so well. We just smiled like idiots at each other until Jesy interrupted us. “I hate to break you two up” she said in a hilarious Australian accent, “But we’d better get started on our food before it gets cold”. We all laughed hysterically and started on our food. 

We had the day off so we decided to head back to me and Perrie’s flat and watch a movie before we went partying that night. It being me and Perrie’s flat we got to choose what to watch and, after finally convincing Perrie, we settled on Aladdin. I sat on the couch and Perrie had her head on my lap. Jesy and Leigh were on beanbags on the floor in front of us.

Perrie seemed unwell. “What’s wrong, baba?” I asked. “I think I ate too much” she sighed. “I’m not suprised!” I laughed, “You must have bought their whole supply of chicken!”. ”Very funny Jade” she said sarcastically while rubbing her stomach. I laughed again and ran my fingers through her light blonde hair, “You’ll be better before you’re married!” I assured her jokingly. She snorted.”You’re such an idiot” she laughed while shaking her head. We returned to watching the movie. 

About half an hour later I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. I took it out to find I had a new message. It was from a new number. I opened it and read it; "Hey Beautiful". What the hell? Who sent this? Perrie obviously saw my concern. ”Who is it, baba?”. “I don’t know, I don’t have that number saved”. She sat up from my lap. “What did they say?” she took the phone from my hand and read the message. She text back; "Who’s this?".

After a few minutes my phone went off again. Me and Perrie both immediately reached for the phone, but I got it before her. It was the same person. "You’ll find out tonight babe x". My heart stopped. Perrie looked at me, worry plastered on her face. What did they mean? Was it some pervert or kidnapper or something? How did they know we were going out tonight? Were they outside the door right know listening to us? Were they stalking us? My head felt as if it was about to explode.

"What are we going to do?" Perrie asked me. "I don’t know" I gulped. "I know one thing though- we’re not going out tonight".

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