New School New Me

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Waking up this morning was hard, knowing that I had to follow her plan perfectly made me nervous. But she's my best friend, I'd do anything for her. Today is my first day at this school, this school called Stivers School for the Arts in the middle of New York, the school that is my old school's (Vandalia High's) biggest rival.

As soon as I got up I took a shower, did my morning routine, and dried off putting on lotion, cologne, and my skinny ripped jeans with a baseball jersey. I had my hair straight today since I had to be a "new person" but I knew it would be back curly tomorrow. With that's I walked downstairs to be greeted by my mom, dad and little sister and brother who are twins. My sisters name is Kayley and my brothers name is Kaylen. After eating breakfast with my family I headed out the door and into my moms Camry - yes Camry, I know you guys didn't think I was rich or nun '\__/' I mean my parents make bank but we not to spoiled any ways, onto school.


"Jasmine," my mom opens up my blinds, "Get up sweetheart, get ready for school." "uggghhh, mom 3 more minutes." "Whatever Jasmine, next time I come up here you better be up and getting ready." "OK "

"Jasmine I told yo ass to be getting up, get up now." " My bad momma I was tired." "If you didn't stay on the phone all night you wouldn't have is problem now get up."

I got up and into the shower washing my hair and body twice. Getting out I lotion my body, throw on some polo Cologne and get dressed in a polo shirt with, black skinnys and my black timbs. After heading down stairs and eating I get my bag and start to head out the door. "You Jas can u drive today?" My sister Jinniah says. "Sure." We hop in the car and off to school we are. As soon as we park and get out every one is looking at as. Not to brag but I'm kinda known round here being the star basketball player and most wanted stud and all.

We walk in and I see my bro Ace - she a stud to. She walks over to me smiling. " Ayr bruh, you seen the new kid? She bad as hell bro. I already invited her to dit wit us to- her name kay." I start shaking my head cuz ace on that stud for stud shit that I ain fucking wit. She start laughing and we walk off heading to our lockers to meet up with our other friends when all of a sudden someone bumps into me hard as hell.

"Yo WTF" I scream as I fall.


I walked into the school and felt as if all eyes were on me. Then all of a sudden this stud came up to me. "Wassup ma I'm Ace but you can call me daddy." I wanna barf cuz that shit ain cool but from what my friend told me Ace is the name of the Targets bestfriend so I play along. "Ummm. Hi, I'm karmen but call me Kay." "Well I know we just met but how bout you sit wit me and my crew at lunch.?" "Uh sure." "Cool and after you find your locker I'd be happy to show you around." "That's fine it shouldn't be that har-" " I insist, matter fact after your done at your locker come find locker 142, that's my friend jasmine's locker, we all meet that before school starts." " um OK.," didn't I just imply I didn't need her help??? Or was it just me who got the message

After finishing at my locker I do as told and look for locker 142. Realizing I'm locker 135 I look up and see Ace not to far from where I am so I start walking and when she looks at me I look down and next thing I know, I'm on the ground.
"Yo WTF" I hear.

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