Tripping over projects.

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After getting helped up by Ace I brush myself off and look at the girl now in front of me. Ace wasn't wrong, this girl was simply beautiful and definitely had style but that doesn't change the fact that she bumped into me. ME ! I look at her and then give her my mean mug as she tries to apologize not really giving a fuck about what she's saying or who she was, new or not.


After being helped up I started apologizing, not that I really cared but I did feel bad and I had to get this girl to like but she simply mugged me as if she didn't give a fuck about who I was or what I had to say. This angered me so I hurried with my apology and walked off to first period. After walking for a while and not having success someone finally decided to help me probably seeing the confused look on my face.

Hi I'm Nickiah but you can call me ky, is this your first day.

Yes I'm looking for Mrs.Lane's room, I can't find it anywhere.

Follow me my class is right next door so I can walk you, lets go.

After getting to class I thanked ky and walked in just as the bell rang. I hurried to my seat and sat just as the teacher started attendance.


I could tell I made her mad and smirked as she hurried off. But Ace didn't seem to happy about this as she gave me an annoyed look and said,"Really Jas was it that serious." I just looked at her and laughed then said relax you'll see her soon and then you can play lover boy all you want. She hit me on the shoulder and waked off to class as I did the same. I had reading first period and headed straight there not wanting to be in the line of fire again as the teacher always seemed to pin me out and get me in trouble. She low key just mad that I wont give her crazy ass head anymore after school.

I sat down in the back wit my nigga's Jazrion and Dylan. As we sat and waited for the bell to ring joking around we heard the door open and some one ran in right when the bell rung. Not really caring to see who the person was I sat down and talked with my boys while the teacher called role. Then I heard the teacher say we were starting a project and she already had pairs picked. Had I paid attention to the girl when she ran in or when the teacher had did role I wouldn't have been as suprised when the teacher called my name and the name Kayla Anderson and saw the girl from earlier stand up and walk over, but I didn't listen so I WAS surprised which is probably why I didn't think when I stuck my foot out when she was on her way over to me and tripped her. At first I didn't feel bad because technically earlier she had made falk so this was payback kinda but then the class started laughing at her and I felt bad because I one first hand what it was like to be bullied but that feeling didn't last long as she stop up rolled her eyes and sat down next to me.

Mrs.Centina what you pulled this morning in class is not acceptable said the principal also known as my uncle.

Even though the teacher let me stay in class she still told the principal and I was in his office before the end ofthe day. And despite tripping Kendall or whatever her nae is and leaving early to go to the office we were still partners and I was expected to work out of school with her finding out about her and her life. Not that I cared about Kiley but I knew it would awkward for her to have to work with me, especially since we would be at my house.

I expect more from you Jasmine, bullying a student is not acceptable and it's sad that this behavior is coming from you.

I wasn't bullying her, I didn't mean to trip but it happened.

Just like me getting partnered with her for this project.

And I expect you to be kind to her and apologize as soon as you see her-


No buts Jas you will do it and do so with a sincere look. I dont won't this happening again, especially not with me students, do you understand.

Wow she's EW and yet Kamille was already getting me into trouble but despite the thought I still turns to him and said yes.

Good and you could probably show Kay around, she is new and might have troubke finding her classes.

I simply huff and walk out the door and go to my next class. At least now I know kayleys name.


After getting humiliated me and Jas work on the project and decide that ill be going to her house tomorrow for the project before she was called to the office. For the rest of the class I sit and lay my head down. The rest of the day was boring except has showed me around and apologized at lunch. We also exchanged numbers so we could work on the project soon.

Leaving the school I hop in my car and head to pick up the twins from school and go home. After getting inside I make everyone a snack and my dad gets the kids started on homework, since he works at night he's usually home when we get here. I head up stairs do my home work and go take I nap. I wake up later take a shower eat and go to bed.


After school I get on the bus on my way home I dread going there but I must. I walk in and smell the beer my step dad is currently drinking while my mother is at work.

Ja-jas, babygirl come here.

I quickly walk up stairs to be grabbed by the arm and forced back down them. Shoving him off of me I run upstairs to my room and lock the door. I do my home work and fall asleep with no food. Another night going to bed hungry, but still safe in my room.

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